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fetch categories for theme options WordPress



Based on this:
The dropdown box is populated in a static way. I want to populate the dropdown with categories.
I changed the code to get_categories, but the selected item is not saved.

basically, I need to adapt this code because I want the user of the theme to select a category for the homepage slider.

Answers (2)


Oleg Butuzov answers:


paul de wouters comments:

I did use that function to populate the dropdown, but $selected is always NULL

Oleg Butuzov comments:

if you are saving somethere data from the update - its should be inside options.

by default you can use get_option('default_category')
after save it depands on your settings that's is saved.

Oleg Butuzov comments:

i think will be better to debug where is select saves. i am not sure you a really saving the values from the dropdown_categories.


Monster Coder answers:

wp has a function to do that.

$selected = 'xxx'; //it is your current value


paul de wouters comments:

I did use that function to populate the dropdown, but $selected is always NULL

Monster Coder comments:

you have to populate the $selected value from your storage. if it is stored in database, fetch it before calling the function. if it is stored in wordpress option table, use get_option().

otherwise, put your code so experts can help you better.

paul de wouters comments:

$selected = $options['selectinput']; wp_dropdown_categories('name=sample_theme_options[selectinput]&selected='.$selected);

the rest of the code is unchanged. See attached file or

the $options variable gets populated after the submit. the other values are populated correctly.