Looking to have the plugin below edited (preferably via a function I can put in my theme's function.php so that the time limit for comment editing is completely removed/never-ending.
At the moment it only allows for editing up to 90 minutes (despite using a longer time) using the function...
// SCE comment edit time
add_filter( 'sce_comment_time', 'edit_sce_comment_time' );
function edit_sce_comment_time( $time_in_minutes ) {
return 514000;
Please show all changes you made so I can replicate them should the plugin need updating.
Reigel Gallarde answers:
I guess you can use it's filter sce_comment_time
add_filter('sce_comment_time','remove_comment_time' );
function remove_comment_time(){
return 0;
you can paste this in your functions.php
pjeaje comments:
Yes I've tried that function but in the core it sets the max time to 90 minutes
Reigel Gallarde comments:
if that does not work, (guessing it will not work)
You can edit the file in the plugin simple-comment-editing.php
line 334, where it says $time_left = $comment_time_result[ 'comment_time' ];
just put a value there:
$time_left = 9999;
pjeaje comments:
9999 isn't never-ending
Reigel Gallarde comments:
it is... the time left is always 9999
pjeaje comments:
I've tried the above and the max number I can change it to is 199999, any more than that crashes my website
pjeaje comments:
Sorry i'll test it
Reigel Gallarde comments:
currently, $time_left is dynamic because it get's it's value in the database.. but if you set it to a number greater than 0, it will not change... hence, like never ending.
pjeaje comments:
This stops the plugin from working, no count down timer showing.
pjeaje comments:
and no edit link
Navjot Singh answers:
Why not just change this code snippet
'if ( $comment_time > 90 ) {
$this->comment_time = 90;
} else {
$this->comment_time = $comment_time;
'$this->comment_time = $comment_time;'
And then you should be able to set it to any higher value.
pjeaje comments:
Unfortunately this still keeps the time to edit as 5 minutes, and if I add the function..
`// simple comment edit
add_filter( 'sce_comment_time', 'edit_sce_comment_time' );
function edit_sce_comment_time( $time_in_minutes ) {
return 550000;
... then it crashes the website
pjeaje comments:
It still counts down. I need to have the count down removed or have it countdown by 0 so no time is taken away