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distorted images WordPress


The featured image on the internal posts are messed up. Instead of stretching, the images are now condensing, thus distorting the image.
Please help!

Answers (4)


Louis Gubitosi answers:

remove width from

.single .post .full-photo img {

Allie H comments:

remove all of the text you have printed?

Louis Gubitosi comments:

on line 309 in style.css just remove the width so it says:

.single .post .full-photo img {

you can even add margin:0 auto to center the image in the box...

so change it to:

.single .post .full-photo img {
margin:0 auto;

Louis Gubitosi comments:

hey Allie, did that work out for you?


Jarret Minkler answers:

The correct solution is to scale the images you want to use to the proper size before you upload them or put them on the page (backend scaling). Scaling the images up or down decreases overall performance of your site. Since google ranks page load time as a ranking factor, this is very important. You also want to specify the width and height attributes that exactly match the image. Remove any CSS you have for the image that deals with width or height, and scale the images you want to use.


Nilesh shiragave answers:

Yes as Louis Gubitosi said remove width from

.single .post .full-photo img {


Lee Wheeler answers:

Delete image. Go to insert image and select a file. Check either "flash" or "browser" uploader.

Underneath the image is an edit button - here you can change lots of things.

First I would try "browser" uploader this may give you better results.