I need the solution to this problem:
I use [[LINK href="http://www.woothemes.com/products/dynamic-pricing/"]]woocommerce dynamic pricing plugin by Lucas Stark[[/LINK]] (I can provide the plugin if you need to test), the problem is that it doesn't display the discounts as a table on the product pages which isn't great from a marketing perspective. The problem is highlighted well [[LINK href="http://chrislema.com/the-flaw-in-the-woocommerce-dynamic-pricing-extension/"]]here[[/LINK]]
[[LINK href="http://pastebin.com/mnFpKHCi"]]This code[[/LINK]], found [[LINK href="http://kentzo.wordpress.com/2013/10/16/how-to-display-bulk-discount-table-for-dynamic-pricing/"]]here[[/LINK]] does display a discount table. BUT I use % discounts and this code doesn't work with that, it uses static pricing. e.g. if a product's normal price is $100, 5% off if they buy more than 5, 10% off if they buy 10 or more, shows as price for 5 or more $5 10 or more $10 (i.e. the percentage number discount not the actual price at 5% or 10% off). Clearly this isn't right it should display 5 or more is $95 10 or more is $90 - How do I achieve that?
Lastly from a marketing perspective it would be good if all products with a quantity discount displayed the cheapest price on the main price. e.g a product that is $100 normally, but with 5% off if you buy 5 or more or 10% off if you buy 10 or more should display the discount table as above but should also display from $90 i.e. the cheapest price, as the main price instead of $100 - How do I achieve that?
I need you to provide me with the code that I put in my themes functions.php file to achieve the above.
phppoet answers:
Hello , please add the below code at the bottom of your theme's functions.php
add_action('woocommerce_before_add_to_cart_button', 'display_bulk_discount_table');
function display_bulk_discount_table() {
global $woocommerce, $post, $product;
$array_rule_sets = get_post_meta($post->ID, '_pricing_rules', true);
if ($array_rule_sets && is_array($array_rule_sets) && sizeof($array_rule_sets) > 0){
$tempstring .= '<table>';
$tempstring .= '<th>   Quantity   </th>
<th>   Discount   </th>';
foreach($array_rule_sets as $pricing_rule_sets)
foreach ( $pricing_rule_sets['rules'] as $key => $value ) {
switch ($pricing_rule_sets['rules'][$key]['type']) {
case 'percentage_discount':
case 'price_discount':
$tempstring .= '<tr>';
$tempstring .= '<td>   '.$pricing_rule_sets['rules'][$key]['from']."- ".$pricing_rule_sets['rules'][$key]['to']."</td>   ";
$tempstring .= '<td>   <span class="amount">'.$pricing_rule_sets['rules'][$key]['amount']."".$woosymbol."</span></td>   ";
$tempstring .= '</tr>';
$tempstring .= "</table>";
echo $tempstring;
It will also show percentage discount .
willcm comments:
Whilst this does say what discount they get when they order a certain amount of products, it's not quite what I wanted. If you re-read the question you'll see I wanted the actual price they pay when they order a certain amount of products:
e.g a product worth $100, if they order 5 they get 5% off, if they order 10 they get 10% off.
With your code it displays like this:
Quantity Discount
5-9 5%
10+ 10%
What it should display like is:
Quantity Price
5-9 $95
10+ $90
Also the main price on the page is unchanged it still says $100 What I need it to say IF there is a quantity discount for that product (not otherwise) is from "insert cheapest price here. So in the example I gave above it would say:
From $90 (because the cheapest they can get the $100 product is $90 when they buy 10 or more)
phppoet comments:
I have modified code according to your need . Please try this one
add_action('woocommerce_before_add_to_cart_button', 'display_bulk_discount_table');
function display_bulk_discount_table() {
global $woocommerce, $post, $product;
$array_rule_sets = get_post_meta($post->ID, '_pricing_rules', true);
$_regular_price = get_post_meta($post->ID, '_regular_price', true);
if ($array_rule_sets && is_array($array_rule_sets) && sizeof($array_rule_sets) > 0){
$tempstring .= '   Bulk Purchase Savings   ';
$tempstring .= '<table>';
$tempstring .= '<th>   Quantity   </th>
<th>   Price   </th>';
foreach($array_rule_sets as $pricing_rule_sets)
foreach ( $pricing_rule_sets['rules'] as $key => $value ) {
$tempstring .= '<tr>';
if ($pricing_rule_sets['rules'][$key]['to']) {
$tempstring .= '<td>   '.$pricing_rule_sets['rules'][$key]['from']."- ".$pricing_rule_sets['rules'][$key]['to']."</td>   ";
} else {
$tempstring .= '<td>   '.$pricing_rule_sets['rules'][$key]['from']."+</td>   ";
$finalprice -= $pricing_rule_sets['rules'][$key]['amount'];
$tempstring .= '<td>   <span class="amount">'.get_woocommerce_currency_symbol().''.$finalprice."</span></td>   ";
$tempstring .= '</tr>';
$tempstring .= "</table>";
echo $tempstring;
phppoet comments:
Please clear your cart before testing. and use 10-20 or 10-100 instead of 10+ .
phppoet comments:
I tested above code on my localhost with 4-5 products and it works as per your expectation . it even works with 10+ type discount pricing (correction in my previous post) .
willcm comments:
okay so the quantity discount table is now showing correctly, but I need the main product price to say from the lowest price.
See here for an example of what I mean:
[[LINK href="http://www.screwfix.com/p/phosphate-twin-thread-drywall-screws-3-5-x-38mm-pack-of-1000/12984"]]http://www.screwfix.com/p/phosphate-twin-thread-drywall-screws-3-5-x-38mm-pack-of-1000/12984[[/LINK]]
willcm comments:
In fact the quantity discount isn't right, the percentage price change isn't working its still showing price reduction not percentage reduction...
phppoet comments:
Okay releasing the final code . Its shows lowest price plus deduction issue is also corrected .
add_action('woocommerce_before_add_to_cart_button', 'display_bulk_discount_table');
add_filter( 'woocommerce_get_price_html', 'wpa83367_price_html', 100, 2 );
function display_bulk_discount_table() {
global $woocommerce, $post, $product;
$array_rule_sets = get_post_meta($post->ID, '_pricing_rules', true);
$_regular_price = get_post_meta($post->ID, '_regular_price', true);
if ($array_rule_sets && is_array($array_rule_sets) && sizeof($array_rule_sets) > 0){
$tempstring .= '   Bulk Purchase Savings   ';
$tempstring .= '<table>';
$tempstring .= '<th>   Quantity   </th>
<th>   Price   </th>';
foreach($array_rule_sets as $pricing_rule_sets)
foreach ( $pricing_rule_sets['rules'] as $key => $value ) {
$tempstring .= '<tr>';
if ($pricing_rule_sets['rules'][$key]['to']) {
$tempstring .= '<td>   '.$pricing_rule_sets['rules'][$key]['from']."- ".$pricing_rule_sets['rules'][$key]['to']."</td>   ";
} else {
$tempstring .= '<td>   '.$pricing_rule_sets['rules'][$key]['from']."+</td>   ";
$finalprice = $finalprice - ($finalprice/100)*$pricing_rule_sets['rules'][$key]['amount'];
$tempstring .= '<td>   <span class="amount">'.get_woocommerce_currency_symbol().''.$finalprice."</span></td>   ";
$tempstring .= '</tr>';
$tempstring .= "</table>";
echo $tempstring;
function wpa83367_price_html( $finalprice ){
global $woocommerce, $post, $product;
$array_rule_sets = get_post_meta($post->ID, '_pricing_rules', true);
$_regular_price = get_post_meta($post->ID, '_regular_price', true);
foreach($array_rule_sets as $pricing_rule_sets)
foreach ( $pricing_rule_sets['rules'] as $key => $value ) {
$finalprice = $finalprice - ($finalprice/100)*$pricing_rule_sets['rules'][$key]['amount'];
if($key != count($pricing_rule_sets['rules'])-1) {
return ''.get_woocommerce_currency_symbol().''.$finalprice.'';
willcm comments:
Discount table working perfectly - thanks!
From price still showing original and not lowest?
phppoet comments:
Its showing lowest in my localhost . did you copied entire code correctly into functions.php