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custom lists lo lu with sublevel using pure css/css3 WordPress

Hi there,

Issue..: the custom lu list would work on at simple first level list but not at sub level, also the lo doesn't seem to be working either I've create a example page showing the issue.

Here is what I found in the style.css

#page_section_full{ }
#page_section_full .redbull{list-style-type: disc; color:red; margin-bottom: 15px; }
#page_section_full ul.redbull li span{ color:#707070;}

the ul and ol won't work even when using just plain

The code list definitions above:
<div style="padding-left: 39px; padding-right: 29px;">
<ul class="redbull">
<li><span>Technology Plan For:</span></li>
<ol><h4>using ol to start sub-list with numbers</h4>
<ul class="redbull">
<li><span>Main list Country1</span></li>
<ul class="redbull"><h4> sub list: Cities</h4>
<li><span>First leve list Country2</span></li>
<ul class="redbull"><h4>sub list: Cities</h4>
<li><span>First leve list Country3</span></li>
<div style="padding-left: 39px; padding-right: 29px;">
Using strait ol ul
<li>Technology Plan For:</li>
<li>Technology Plan For:</li>
<li>Technology Plan For:</li>
<ol><h4>using strait ol to start list with numbers</h4>

Answers (3)


designchemical answers:

The styling is only applied to the element that has the redbull class. To add sub-lists use:

#page_section_full .redbull, #page_section_full .redbull ul, #page_section_full .redbull ol {list-style-type: disc; color:red; margin-bottom: 15px; }

Alf Baez comments:


Tried your solution, did not work. Aslo tried to splited into:

#page_section_full .redbull, #page_section_full .redbull ul {list-style-type: disc; color:red; margin-bottom: 15px; }
#page_section_full .redbull ol {list-style-type: decimal; color:red; margin-bottom: 15px; }

Did not worked either.


Christianto answers:


ordered or unordered List can only contain list <li> to be render correctly across browser.
so if you have any other ordered/unordered list you have to wrap it inside <li>

so for example on your code and on your site, this is not correct:
<ul class="redbull">
<li><span>Main list Country1</span></li>
<ul class="redbull"><h4> sub list: Cities</h4>
<li><span>First leve list Country2</span></li>
<strong><ul class="redbull"><h4>sub list: Cities</h4>
<li><span>First leve list Country3</span></li>

This is correct:
<ul class="redbull">
<li><span>Main list Country1</span></li>
<ul class="redbull"><h4> sub list: Cities</h4>
<li><span>First leve list Country2</span></li>
<ul class="redbull"><h4>sub list: Cities</h4>
<li><span>First leve list Country3</span></li>

Let me know if it fix your issue..

Christianto comments:

There is also style for ordered list that should be overide on reset.css
ol, ul {
list-style: none;

For example
#page_section_full ol{ list-style-type:decimal }

Alf Baez comments:


in combination with Raj's solution the line:

#page_section_full .redbull ol {list-style-type: decimal;}

Resolve the numbers issue for the list. child sub/indent list issue is still a problem.

Christianto comments:

sorry its midnight when I answered your question.
for indent add margin-left for your list
#page_section_full .redbull, #page_section_full .redbull ul, #page_section_full .redbull ol {
list-style-type: disc;
color: red;
margin-bottom: 15px;
<strong> margin-left: 20px;</strong>

if you prefer to only indent child element of unordered/ordered list add:
#page_section_full .redbull > ul, #page_section_full .redbull > ol{


Manoj Raj answers:

//ol won't work even when using just plain

add this at the end of your css

.redbull ol {list-style-type: decimal;}

You missed the above thing it seems.