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custom comments design WordPress


Hi there!

I've got a website that I've designed a custom design for the comments - however, I cannot get it to work properly.

Essentially there are four DIV's
1. header (top of bubble)
2. background (of bubble) - this repeats vertically depending on the amount of text AND nested/replied comments
3. text (comment(s) list)
4. footer (bottom of bubble)

My problem is this: I can get everything working beautifully where each comment (child or parent) is in its own bubble - OR - I can get it working where EVERY comment is in one big bubble.

What I need is this: Every parent and it's child comment should be inside the bubble - the child comment should have NO bubble styling. The attached image is what I am looking for.

Hope that makes sense.

Thanks in advance for your help!

Answers (6)


Denzel Chia answers:


If you have not given the project to anybody yet.
I would like to give it a try.
Please drop me an email to [email protected]

My website comments styling is something almost similar to your design.
except mine is divided into individual speech bubbles, whereas yours is a single one covering the whole conversion thread.


Denzel Chia comments:

Hi Sara,

I had done the styling of the comment bubbles.
Emailed the updated theme back to you, but received an out of town email reply.

Please get back to me when you read your email.
Please award me the price money after you have confirmed that the script is working,
and please do so within a week of posting this question, or I may not get the price money.



Ivaylo Draganov answers:


this is obviously more of an CSS issue. Contact me at dragunoff [at] gmail . com and I can help you achieve the desired result.


Sébastien | French WordpressDesigner answers:

what's your url ?


Rashad Aliyev answers:

I'm free to help you. If you want you can find my contact details at my profile.


Duncan O'Neill answers:


It's likely that I can post, or message you, with the necessary css adjustments on here if you can send or post a url.




Espreson Media answers:

I will fix it..