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create customs buttons and implement in Karma's Theme WordPress


Dear all,
First of all, please excuse my english language. This is the best I can do.
I am a really beginner.
Second, I don't know how much effort will go into solving my request so I am looking for suggestions from the experts.
I just bought a few weeks ago the Karma Theme. This is because I want a new image for my courier company. I’m rebranding my company. And I started to create the site myself. Here you have the link: . It is not completed.

Here is the job:
In attachment there is my company logo in 2 versions (blue and grey).
From those versions I need somebody to create buttons according to my logo's versions. What I mean, is to enlarge on the right the logo where I can write the content with small letters. I mean, the logo remain on the left side, and after logo's position I need to write the content of the button. In fact, I want to have my own buttons, with my logo. I need 3 sizes for each version: small, medium, large, according to Karma’s Theme buttons sizes.
Because I don’t have a clue about CSS, PHP, HTML (strange words for me), I need you to implement those buttons in Karma Theme, so I can use them when I want. It need to be easy for me. Karma Theme has a list of shortcodes which is very easy for me to choose one and use it in my site. I need those buttons to be implemented in these list.
I can create an admin account in Karma Theme for you. Please don't ask to have access to my server because of security reasons. I can let you have access to my computer using TeamViewer.
Because I don't have a clue about your spending time creating my request, I'll just put a price of 30$ before an expert's suggestion.
If I couldn't make myself understood because of my language, I'll try again.
Thank you very much!
With respect,
p.s. it seams I can't upload the second logo's version. I will email it.

Answers (1)


Clifford P answers:

To clarify, you're requesting graphic design services. Correct? And then implement into your WP Theme?

webcourier comments:

Yes, this is correct.

Clifford P comments:

I'm not going to be your graphic designer, but I will suggest that you get logos designed in a vector format. That way they can be scaled to any size (up or down in size). For example, designing in InDesign instead of Photoshop. Just a tip before committing to logo designs. Good luck. Let me know if you need any other help.

webcourier comments:

Please, let me understand.
So, if I provide the .psd file format for my logo's, then would be ok?

Clifford P comments:

If you already have the logos built in PSD, PNG, JPG, or GIF, I could probably do the rest - depends on your setup. With you doing the remote control (TeamViewer), you'd be able to show me what exactly you're wanting.

To get things started, PM me the URL where to download the file(s) or just request my email address.

PM: [[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

Clifford P comments:

webcourier and I spent some time emailing, Skyping, and screen-sharing to communicate a workable solution within the Karma theme.

I editing the logo to trim around the "running man" without a background. Uploaded that to the Media Library. And inserted the image within Karma's "royalblue" button shortcode content area. (MAKE SURE the image isn't linked to anywhere.)

Then we played with the margin and padding of the image to get it positioned correctly within the button and next to the text.

Then we installed the [[LINK href=""]]Post Snippets plugin[[/LINK]] to save our desired configuration of the button.