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can anyone fix a WP Ecommerce bug for me? WordPress


Running an ecommerce shop on Wordpress using wp-ecommerce plugin from the support is a bit rubbish and a lot of people are having the same problem as me in the forum.

since upgrading to 2.9.1, the plugin has begun to give problems on checkout. the site is here:

the issue is to do with shipping. I'm using weight rate shipping, with free shipping set for orders over £95.

until the upgrade everything was working fine. now I'm getting the message: "You must select a shipping method, otherwise we cannot process your order." when I put in an order over £95.

But because the order is over £95, no shipping option is showing.

Anyone out there fancy taking a rummage in the code and seeing if they can fix this? Let me know if you need any more information.

As you can see here, I'm not the only one struggling so it's not a configuration issue:

thanks in advance!


@brandon what do you need?

Answers (2)


Utkarsh Kukreti answers:

Goto line 468 on wpsc-includes/ajax.functions.php

if (get_option('do_not_use_shipping') == 0 && ($wpsc_cart->selected_shipping_method == null || $wpsc_cart->selected_shipping_option == null)) {


if (wpsc_uses_shipping() && get_option('do_not_use_shipping') == 0 && ($wpsc_cart->selected_shipping_method == null || $wpsc_cart->selected_shipping_option == null)) {

This should probably work. Message me from my profile if you face any problems.


Brandon Dove answers:

Send me a message with the credentials and I'll take a look.