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best logo PNG settings WordPress


I have the image source in photoshop and also have the logo in PNG format.
However, there is simething wring with the settings as it does not look good on the site (pixels around it).

ANy idea what is the best PNG format for logo? it has to be with BG transparent.


Answers (3)


Luis Abarca answers:

PNG 24 with transparency

cloudnclear comments:

it's working :-)


Jatin Soni answers:

As Luis said fist you should use PNG-24 settings while saving or exporting.

You can try below things

File > Save for Web & Devices

than from right side below preset Select PNG-24
Than make sure Transparency checkbox is selected

Select checkbox called Convert to sRGB

This should work fine. It still not able to get the quality send me PSD and let me have a look


Sabby Sam answers:

The logo is not properly crop and I think the logo is forcefully crop with magic tools.
There are 2 solutions for this :
1. Convert this image into PNG if you have photoshop
2. Tell any photoshop developer to make same logo and he will make the logo best PNG format logo for you with neat & clean.