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after login OUT of members area WordPress

We need your help this website is a magazine style we give to a visitors a glimpse of what is available in the site (front pages) e.g. we show10 photos from a set of 100 in order to see the next 90 photos, users have to pay for a membership then they will be redirect to a members area.

We did a test we pay for a membership, we navigate for whatever direction we like, everything OK. But while we type for a specific name in the search box it show a duplicate of each name that is because we have the photoset whit the same “name” in the front area as well in the members area.

If the member click in the wrong “name” he will be redirect to the (front pages) so he is out of the members area now he is in the glimpse/front area with his own side menu, member will have to figurate out how to come back to the members area which could be very frustrating, member may not return to the site or perhaps they ask for money back to cancel membership.

Also there are several pages that are automatically generated where I can’t erase the footer; here member can be also re- directed out of the members area, e.g. click on Cart icon > Go to the shop

There is a way to hide the (front pages) after login in to members area we are using Kleo theme and Magic-Members?
Do I have to use another theme perhaps?
What could be the alternative solution?
Do we need to have to separate websites: and

Any help will be much appreciated.
Thank you in advance

Answers (2)


Miguel Manchego answers:

You have two options:

1) Filter your search with a custom wp-query that don't show the photoset for non members. (with a tag, category or something attribute that says is private)

2) Add a custom field to your non member sets with the url of the paid version then that will be redirected or show URL to click

In both cases you have to check login, something like this

if ( is_user_logged_in() ) {
echo $paid_version_url;


Rempty answers:

Ok you have:

1- Photoset with 1 to 10 photos and "Xname"
2- Photoset with next 90 photos with same name "Xname"

I think the best solution is:

Add a tag, category or customfield to the pay photoset
Now we can filter who is payed and who is not.

Now need to modifiy the search query "kleo_ajax_search"
And add a custom query:

if ( is_user_logged_in() ) {