Few adjustments to my site:
1. Install and Show Hebrew fonts. The site is using cufon.
2. Increase the font size in the navigation menu.
3. The english text on the headers is fliped. (for example, instaed of "recent posts", it show "posts recents" ).
This has to be finished ASAP.
Naveen Chand answers:
For increasing font size of navigation menu, add this in your css file:
.menu a, .menu a:visited {
font-size: 20px;
I have just set 20px as example. You can adjust the font-size to whatever suits you.
Naveen Chand comments:
Need more clarity on other questions you've asked. For instance, I can't find 'Post Recent' on the site. Can you show some screenshots?
cloudnclear comments:
Here is it.
You can also check the demo http://coral.imaginemthemes.com/wp/
In the demo there is a header description:
"CORAL PREMIUM THEME...." - should be hebrew text (u have changed it to Hebrew but it's not showing)
In the demo, where it's written "In progress" - should also be Hebrew (which is also written but not showing it).