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a single php function to get a video dimension WordPress


Hi there,
I am looking for someone can help me with writing a single php function to get a video dimension in my wordpress theme. Input (parameter) will be url of the video, and return value can be something like array[width,height]. I intend to use this function in my shortcode which inserts a video in posts. I want this shortcode to automatically read video dimension and generate the proper code with dimension for that purpose.

Answers (5)


Daniel Yoen answers:


you can try this :

function video_code($atts, $content=null)
'url' => '',
'width' => '400',
'height' => '200'
), $atts)
return '<iframe width="' . $width . '" height="' . $height . '" src="' . $url . '" class="videos"></iframe>';

usage :

[videos url="" width="400" height="200"]

hope this help :-)

tsynsth comments:

Oh this looks promising for me, let me try it to see if that works...

tsynsth comments:

hum, now i have make sure that i am NOT asking a question how to make a shortcode to insert a video on posts, but tyring to get to know how to get a dimension of video by its file url.
sorry this answer seems to me something different from waht i expected.

tsynsth comments:

thanks for your quick answer though.

Daniel Yoen comments:

Sorry, I think you need :

$movie = new ffmpeg_movie("filepath");

$width = $movie->getFrameWidth();
$height = $movie->getFrameHeight();

Hope this help :-)

tsynsth comments:

Sure thanks again for your quick reply.

i had found that resource before i started this thread and i agree that will help me to get some meta values from video with using its class, is that correct?
However, the site looks too intricate to me and i am not sure how i actually implement this in my wordpress theme.

may i ask you, if i insert the 3-lines code you have posted above, will it work right away? or do i need to do something extra? like "include" some files?
thanks in advance,


Giri answers:

Are you talking about image dimension?

tsynsth comments:

i am talking about a VIDEO dimension (resolution). thank you.

Giri comments:

I still don't understand your question...

<blockquote>Input (parameter) will be url of the image</blockquote>

What image?

Why do you want to get height and width of the video? I think you still didn't explain your question clearly.

I think you should try responsive video embeds plugin.

It will adjust the height and width automatically when you resize the window or view from tablet and mobile devices..

You have to use shortcode like this..


Giri comments:

Also note [embed] is wordpress built-in shortcode. You can use following sites

Flickr (both videos and images) (WordPress 3.0+)
Instagram (WordPress 3.5+)
SlideShare (WordPress 3.5+)
SoundCloud (WordPress 3.5+)
SmugMug (WordPress 3.0+)
Twitter (WordPress 3.4+)
Vimeo (note older versions of WP have issues with https embeds, just remove the s from the https to fix)
YouTube (only public and "unlisted" videos and playlists - "private" videos will not embed) (only VideoPress-type videos for the time being)</blockquote>

For more details..

Giri comments:

Try this code

[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

tsynsth comments:

Regarding "Input (parameter) will be url of the image", sorry that was my mistake.

I intend to use this function in my shortcode which inserts a video in posts. I want this shortcode to automatically read video dimension and generate the proper code with dimension for the purpose.

I will check that plugin you have suggested but i still would like to figure out how to get the dimension of a video as a simple process like getting the dimension of an image by the use of getimagesize($filename);

Giri comments:

Check my previous answer

tsynsth comments:

sure, that looks interesting. i will return after checking the code. thank you.

tsynsth comments:

Hi Giri,

After reviewing the site you provided me with above, I have tried putting the function in function.php and a line of code on one of page template, trying to display the return values of the function, width and height of a video, on "test-output' page.
However, I couldnt have a good result with that.
You can see it from here.

Would you mind if i ask you to look at those codes i have put there and tell me where you think i wrongly implement the function to my theme? there is a line "$ffmpeg_path = 'ffmpeg';" and "global $ffmpeg_path;". do i have to include files so that this function works properly?

Thank you.

Here is the code I put in function.php;

//max width of the video.
//If video width more than this value return
//new size of the video with original proportion
define('MAX_VIDEO_WIDTH', 200);
$ffmpeg_path = 'ffmpeg';
* method to get size of the video
* @param $videofile path of the video
* @returns Array(width, height)
function get_video_size($videofile){
global $ffmpeg_path;
$duration = array();
$bitrate = '';
$video_bitrate = '';
$vwidth = 320;
$vheight = 240;
$owidth = '';
$oheight = '';
$sfrequency = '';
$audio_bitrate = '';

$ffmpeg_output = array();
$ffmpeg_cmd = $ffmpeg_path . " -i '" . $videofile . '\' 2>&1 | cat | egrep -e \'(Duration|Stream)\'';
@exec($ffmpeg_cmd, $ffmpeg_output);

// if file not found just return null
if(sizeof($ffmpeg_output) == '')return null;

foreach($ffmpeg_output as $line){
$ma = array();
// get duration and video bitrate
if(strpos($line, 'Duration:') !== false){
preg_match('/(?<hours>\d+):(?<minutes>\d+):(?<seconds>\d+)\.(?<fractions>\d+)/', $line, $ma);
$duration = array(
'raw' => $ma['hours'] . ':' . $ma['minutes'] . ':' . $ma['seconds'] . '.' . $ma['fractions'],
'hours' => intval($ma['hours']),
'minutes' => intval($ma['minutes']),
'seconds' => intval($ma['seconds']),
'fractions' => intval($ma['fractions']),
'rawSeconds' => intval($ma['hours']) * 60 * 60 +
intval($ma['minutes']) * 60 + intval($ma['seconds']) +
(intval($ma['fractions']) != 0 ? 1 : 0)

preg_match('/bitrate:\s(?<bitrate>\d+)\skb\/s/', $line, $ma);
$bitrate = $ma['bitrate'];

// get video size
if(strpos($line, 'Video:') !== false){
preg_match('/\s(?<width>\d+)[x](?<height>\d+)\s\[/', $line, $ma);
$owidth = $ma['width'];
$oheight = $ma['height'];
$vwidth = $owidth;
$vheight = $oheight;

// get audio quality
if(strpos($line, 'Audio:') !== false){
preg_match('/,\s(?<sfrequency>\d+)\sHz,/', $line, $ma);
$sfrequency = $ma['sfrequency'];

preg_match('/,\s(?<bitrate>\d+)\skb\/s/', $line, $ma);
$audio_bitrate = $ma['bitrate'];

// calculate new size of the video
if($vwidth > MAX_VIDEO_WIDTH){
$coef = $vheight / $vwidth;
$vwidth = MAX_VIDEO_WIDTH;
$vheight = round($vwidth * $coef);

// frame size must be a multiple of 2
$vwidth = $vwidth % 2 != 0 ? $vwidth - 1 : $vwidth;
$vheight = $vheight % 2 != 0 ? $vheight - 1 : $vheight;

// end of image size detection
// return all information about video and
// data about new size with originally proportion
return array(
'width' => $vwidth,
'height' => $vheight,
'srcWidth' => $owidth,
'srcHeight' => $oheight,
'duration' => $duration,
'bitrate' => $bitrate,
'audioBitrate' => $audio_bitrate,
'audioSampleFrequency' => $sfrequency
} //

Here is the code I put in page-test.php;

$size = get_video_size('');
echo "<h3>width:" . $size['width'] . "</h3><h3>height:" . $size['height'] . "</h3>";

Giri comments:

You should define your path there.

It should be something like

$ffmpeg_path = '/usr/bin/ffmpeg/ffmpeg';

Giri comments:

Also make sure you have ffmpeg.

Just use this test..

function ffmpegtest() {
$ffmpeg = trim(shell_exec('type -P ffmpeg'));
if (empty($ffmpeg))
die('ffmpeg not available');

Call that function anywhere in your template file.

If ffmpeg not enabled ask your hosting support to enable it..

Giri comments:

Much better version

function ffmpegtest() {
$ffmpeg = trim(shell_exec('type -P ffmpeg'));
if (empty($ffmpeg)) {
die('ffmpeg not available');
} else {
die('ffmpeg installed');

tsynsth comments:

Sure, thank you. i am still trying it now.

tsynsth comments:

I tried all giri's suggestions above however i had no luck with getting it work. i trust his solution but i contacted host server and they answered that ffmpeg isn't available on the account i am currently on. so i am assuming that this solution may not work unless i upgrade my server to dedicated server, which i cannot afford for the moment.

is there anything i am missing for making it work? or maybe may i start asking another solution to make it work? comparing to getting the dimension of an image, i feel getting the dimension of a video is much more complicated and don't get it why...

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you

Giri comments:

Hello there, By default php has built-in functions for image filetypes. But videos are not possible without codec (coder/decoder) ffmpeg is a codec. So to get dimensions of your videos you must have ffmpeg installed. If its absolutely necessary then get a vps. Its cheaper than dedicated server. You will get good vps for $40/month. You can install any extensions in your vps

tsynsth comments:

Hi giri, thank you so much for your suggestion and explanation about ffmpeg. I think at this time i may have to give up making this work. but i would like to thank you for all the effort teaching me a new thing.

Giri comments:

You are welcome mate. If you are satisfied with my answer don't forget to vote. :)


Hariprasad Vijayan answers:


Can you please show the url.

tsynsth comments:

The site is still under construction. I turned off "coming soon" mode for now.
I intend to use this single function in my shortcode.


idt answers:


Please check this out:



Arnav Joy answers:

do you have any fix source of video like youtube or vimeo etc?

tsynsth comments:

I am not sure what you mean by "any fix source of video", however, I upload a video from the button "add media" on post editing page and not using any sources from youtube or vimeo etc. thank you.