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Yoast SEO - WooCommerce Product Category Titles With Attributes ? WordPress

The site is running Wordpress 3.5.2 and WooCommerce 2.0.12. I am using Yoast's SEO plugin as well as a plugin called WooCommerce SEO ([[LINK href=""]]documentation here[[/LINK]]).

The WooCommerce SEO plugin automatically rewrites the URLs for product archive pages that are generated when the user filters products with the layered navigation. For example, when a user is in the ugly Christmas sweater category and selects the "cats" attribute, they are taken to a page only showing products that have the "cats" attributes. By default with WooCommerce, the URL of that page is not "pretty". The default URL shows the attribute's numeric id numbers instead of the slug. The WooCommerce SEO plugin makes the url pretty by substituting the attribute ID for the slug. So the URL in this case becomes "". The URL continues to update with the slugs of each selected attribute. So if the user selects the cardigans next, the URL becomes "" and so on. This is good.

<strong>The Real Question</strong>
Along the same lines, I would like the titles of these pages to change according to the selected attributes. So ideally the title for "" would be "Cats Ugly Christmas Sweaters". The title for "" would be "Cats Ugly Christmas Sweater Cardigan". Is there a way to do this with Yoast SEO? I have tried entering "%%ct_flair%% as the title template but the page title defaults to "Ugly Christmas Sweaters - The Sweater Store" and never changes to reflect the selected attributes.

[[LINK href=""]]This question[[/LINK]] gave me the impression that Yoast could do this. If Yoast can't do this, is there a way to disable Yoast's handling of the product_cat titles? Because WooCommerce SEO plugin can correctly write these titles, but when Yoast is enabled, it overrides the WooCommerce SEO title. Either way is fine with me.

Answers (1)


Arnav Joy answers:

so you want to use title of the category in place of slug?

znagle comments:

The slug is dynamically generated based on the attributes the user has selected. I want the title to behave the same way.