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YSlow, Google, etc WordPress

I'm hacing some hard time adjusting my website to have a good grade on Google Developes

And YGrade

Need some help in that, with Wordpress.

I have w3 total cache installed

Answers (2)


Martin answers:

You have a number of pictures that are scaled using html. Make sure you have them uploaded in the right size if you can.

I am referring to:

There are also a number of images that could be optimized.

I don't know why you use the following images because they are outside your domain but they are also to large.

This alone will add to your speed. Also be sure to have a good host. Server speed will influence your sites speed.

I can suggest a number of good tools to optimize your jpg and png images but I am not sure if I am allowed to place links here.


zebra webdesigns answers:

Hello Business Ideas,

you asked me to help and I helped.
But you are such a greedy person to get refunded for the question without informing me.
You removed me from skype, you removed the work which I did.
you may ditch the idea of changing the design. Dont waste the valuable time of ours.
Show some respect for our hard work
Now asking question again.

First explain for the previous question you have asked

do you think we are fool over here.

business_ideas comments:

Zebra, what can I say? You did an awful job. You didnt know what u're doing. I used this site before. You're a scam. Not the others.

business_ideas comments:

Your reply is the proof that u're not a professional. And try using your real name.

zebra webdesigns comments:

Well you refer me as a scam .. you Brazilian moron.
here is the pastebin version of entire conversation

I worked from 5.47 pm to 10.09pm and got a confirmation , as everything is ok and you still call me as scam you scumabg.
do you think a scam will give a shit for 4 hours , just for your 10$.
If you have any problem you could have informed . you run away like a coward.
+91 9790530531 this is my number if you have guts call me idiot
I want to scold you like anything . but this is not the place.

You are a scam who get the work and run away.

let people decide it . you sucker

zebra webdesigns comments:

All the developers who are seeing this message with due respect, please go through the conversation and decide about this sick minded person.

I apologize if the words I used for him is wrong. but he deserve it.
infact he deserve more.

zebra webdesigns comments:

<blockquote>Your reply is the proof that u're not a professional. And try using your real name.</blockquote>
This is not the first time I am writing for you. since your question is here you are exposed, you are replying me
I can show everyone all the proof. Can you prove me what scam I did. Did I ate your money or down your site.
even dont prove, just tell me what was your worry.
I just helped for cheap 10$. other developer advised me not to do for cheap rate.
But I did, since you believed me. My hourly charge is 20$. there is no need to waste the time for 10$.
which roughly didnt get me anything.

You want my real name. its bhuvanesh Kumar. I already gave my number.
you didnt needed my name when I worked for 4 long hours.
now you are telling me as not professional. check the list of answers I provided.
in my work in wpquestions you are the only person who downvoted the question which I solved.

you are using our gods in your website. if you and your mom really believe in the GOD, he knows everything and he will take care of everything.

zebra webdesigns comments:

Edgard its very simple.

you are a coward

business_ideas comments:

I'm ignoring this guy and all his messages (didn't read a single one). Anyone that whats to help, please private message me (as one already did). Thanks.

zebra webdesigns comments:

I thought you are just coward, now I understand you are dumb too.
Why are you living such a low life.
I think I donated 10$ to a beggar.

Change your name from Business Ideas to cheating Ideas. It will fit you well.

Any one who wants to help him. please read the full pastebin conversation

He is a liar and I seek justice for his cruel behavior.
If you still think you need the money let me know, I give 10$ for not helping him.