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Wp_editor Does Not Save Content WordPress


I have a frontend post form on the site I'm developing. The form is at Although, you'll have to register for an account if you want to see it live.

The form is functioning, but when I first built it I just made the content area a textarea. Now I am trying to swap the textarea out for the TinyMCE editor using wp_editor. I can get the editor to display and function properly, but when I submit the form the content of the post is not being saved into the form variables.

This is the area of the template file I'm working with:
<!--<textarea name="user_post_content" id="user_post_content" placeholder="Enter your content..." class="inputwide"><?PHP echo ((!empty($post_obj->post_content))?$post_obj->post_content:''); ?></textarea> -->
<?php wp_editor($post_obj->post_content, 'userpostcontent', array( 'textarea_name' => 'user_post_content' ) ); ?>

Currently, the textarea that I originally had is commented out right above the new wp_editor function.

You can see the code for the whole page here:

Hopefully someone can tell me how to make this work!


Thanks for the first suggestion. The reason I stripped the underscores out of the function is because the codex says it only accepts letters: .

Plus, that parameter is the ID of the field, not the name, which is what should actually be passing the value.

EDIT2: Sorry to keep editing the question. The "reply" button doesn't seem to work for me for some reason....

Anyway, I tried both suggestions. I've tried all combinations of underscores and no underscores and also tried putting the array into the $settings variable. It's still not capturing it for some reason.

I am using this bit of code to validate the field:
$error_flag = TRUE;
'key' => 'error_user_post_content',
'value' => __('Please enter some content','tsv'),

Which is what's telling me there is nothing in the content area when I try to submit the form. I've tried submitting the form without validating it, and the form submits and then the content doesn't show up until I save the post a 2nd time.... I don't know, really strange behavior...

Answers (2)


Arnav Joy answers:

try this

<?php wp_editor($post_obj->post_content, 'user_post_content', array( 'textarea_name' => 'user_post_content' ) ); ?>

instead of

<?php wp_editor($post_obj->post_content, 'userpostcontent', array( 'textarea_name' => 'user_post_content' ) ); ?>

Arnav Joy comments:

if you want to remove under scores then try this code


Jatin Soni answers:

It should work usually.

Try this just to cross confirm either ID doesn't creating any issue.
$content = $post_obj->post_content;
$settings = array(
' textarea_name' => 'user_post_content',

wp_editor($content, 'user_post_content', $settings);
