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Wordpress theme integration with wp-ecommerce image placement WordPress


I have a wordpress theme with wp-ecommerce with gold cart grid view. on the products page the two product images are misaligned also on the checkout page the address1 line for both billing and shipping is approximately 40 characters high instead of one (see attachment).


Answers (4)


Kiet Luong answers:

Hi, Let me help you do this.
skype: [[LINK href=""]]kioluong[[/LINK]]
Regards !

Kiet Luong comments:

to fix products page please try add this : > p {
display: none;

in that file :

with address1 in check out page : that field's type is textarea you can try with this code :

textarea[title="shippingaddress"] {
height: 18px !important;
textarea[title="billingaddress"] {
height: 18px !important;

or you can change that textarea to text field.
Hope this help,
Regards !


Rowela Alzona answers:

Cant see anything; But just one big background image.


Duncan O'Neill answers:

You have a redundant, and empty <p> element between the two products. Take that element out, and the products line up.

( Edit ) From my search of the code, those <p> elements are being added via your product editor, rather than via the wp e-commerce engine. So that you can edit the products directly in your wp backend, rather than use a sledgehammer approach via css.

Duncan O'Neill comments:

I'm getting a 404 when I try to get to your checkout page;

[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]


Arnav Joy answers:

why this page is redirects to 404

please check it.