I'm looking to create a simple graph thats not too crazy; its a bar graph; base on the number of wordpress posts in each hour. So I have a lot of posts and I want to see how many each hour in a bar graph. Data would like like this for example; it may be on avg from 80 to 400 posts depends on the days. what wold be an efficient way to go about this?
Update: just to update based on Arnav's question; I just looking for the query of the db in Wordpress; I can manipulate the data after.
Timespan would be one day;
00:00 : 2
01:00 : 1
02:00 : 0
03:00 : 0
04:00 : 3
05:00 : 1
06:00 : 4
07:00 : 12
08:00 : 15
09:00 : 24
10:00 : 22
11:00 : 25
12:00 : 32
13:00 : 45
14:00 : 55
15:00 : 62
16:00 : 67
17:00 : 54
18:00 : 32
19:00 : 31
20:00 : 17
21:00 : 8
22:00 : 4
23:00 : 2
Arnav Joy answers:
have you added code for the bar graph?
User179751 comments:
that part wont be an issues Arnav, just look at the most efficient way to get the data from wordpress. I can figure out how to manipulate after.
Arnav Joy comments:
is it possible , i can code it directly to your site?
so admin and ftp access?
User179751 comments:
no, sorry
Cesar Contreras answers:
Do you know how to code?
If you know how to code that could be solved with a scheduled CRON event, every second check the new posts
User179751 comments:
cron only fires when you have visitors; however the idea of breaking up the queries into chucks is interesting.
Andrea P answers:
this is not very efficient but it should do the job and it's easy to implement.
Then you could run it once a day and store the $stats array somewhere so that then you don't have to do all the queries again every time you load the graph.
$stats = [];
$today = getdate();
// repeat this for each hour
$args = [
'posts_per_page' => -1,
'fields' => 'ids',
'date_query' => [
'year' => $today['year'],
'month' => $today['mon'],
'day' => $today['mday'],
'hour' => 0,
'compare' => '>=',
'hour' => 1,
'compare' => '<',
$query = new WP_Query($args);
$stats['00:00'] = $query->found_posts;
the idea is to make one query for each hour, and then count the posts and add them to an array which then you can use to make the graph.
p.s. in the example code I just did the query for the first hour to show how to do it. Then you'd have to repeat that query 12 times tweaking the hours range so that you count and store posts for all 12 hours)
timDesain Nanang answers:
using mysql query approach as following:
DATE(post_date) AS Day,
HOUR(TIME(post_date)) AS Hour,
COUNT(*) as Count
FROM prefix_posts
WHERE post_date LIKE '2020-01-02%'
GROUP BY Day, Hour
User179751 comments:
not very familiar; doing a direct mysql query in wordpress can you explain with a little more detail?
timDesain Nanang comments:
sure, put the following code in the theme's functions file:
add_action('wp_footer', 'wpq_posts_count_by_date');
function wpq_posts_count_by_date(){
global $wpdb;
$date = '2020-01-02';
$qry = "
DATE(post_date) AS Day,
HOUR(TIME(post_date)) AS Hour,
COUNT(*) as Count
FROM $wpdb->posts
WHERE post_type = 'post'
AND post_status = 'publish'
AND post_date LIKE '".$date."%'
GROUP BY Day, Hour
$res = $wpdb->get_results( $qry, ARRAY_A);
echo '<ul>';
foreach($res as $data) {
echo '<li>'.$Day.' / '.$Hour.' = '.$Count.'</li>';
echo '</ul>';
Samiha answers:
I like Andrea idea, but I added some codes and wrapped they into a function that close to your need:
function posts_per_hour($y,$m,$d){
$posts_per_hour = [];
for( $i = 0; $i < 24; $i++ ){
$args = array(
'date_query' => array(
'year' => $y,
'month' => $m,
'day' => $d,
'hour' => $i,
'compare' => '=',
'minute ' => 0,
'compare' => '>=',
'minute ' => 59,
'compare' => '<=',
'post_type' => 'post',
'posts_per_page' => -1,
$query = new WP_Query( $args );
$posts_per_hour[] = $query->found_posts;
return $posts_per_hour;
$posts_per_hour = posts_per_hour(2020,2,26); // call the function with your parameters: year, month, day
echo $posts_per_hour[0]; // number of posts in the hour 00:00
echo $posts_per_hour[1]; // number of posts in the hour 01:00
echo $posts_per_hour[23]; // number of posts in the hour 23:00
From here you can get number of posts per hour for each day in specific month and year
Shabeer M answers:
Please try the following query, It will help you
select date_format(post_date, '%h:00') postTime, count(*) as postCount from wp_posts_table group by postTime order by postTime
This query will return all posts with posts count in their time slot,
If you need to get any specific date's data, please follow the below code
select date_format(post_date, '%h:00') postTime, count(*) as postCount from wp_posts_table where DATE(post_date) = DATE('2016-01-14') group by postTime order by postTime
If you need to get data between 2 dates, please follow the below code
select date_format(post_date, '%h:00') postTime, count(*) as postCount from wp_posts_table where DATE(post_date) >= DATE('2016-01-14') and DATE(post_date) <= DATE('2016-02-01') group by postTime order by postTime
You can replace the table name wp_posts_table with your table name.
Mohamed Ahmed answers:
This code will do the trick
$hours = $x-1;
$y= $x+1;
$allPosts= get_posts(array(
'numberposts' => -1,
'post_status' => 'publish',
'orderby' => 'date',
'order' => 'DESC',
'date_query' => array(
'column' => 'post_date',
'after' => -$x.' hour',
'before' => $x .' hour',
$allPostsNum = count($allPosts);
$posts= get_posts(array(
'numberposts' => -1,
'post_status' => 'publish',
'orderby' => 'date',
'order' => 'DESC',
'date_query' => array(
'column' => 'post_date',
'after' => -$hours.' hours', // -7 Means last 7 days
'before' => $hours .' hour',
$hourPosts = count($posts);
$postsNum = $allPostsNum-$hourPosts;
echo $x.':00 : '. $postsNum.'<br/>';
Echeverri answers:
have you tried using a plugin?
User179751 comments:
not something I can use a plugin for;