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Wordpress portal development question WordPress


Hi, this is not a question that needs a practical answer. It's about the best way to create a wordpress based portal with the structure below.

The website will be separated into 4 parts.

The first is a magazine theme dedicated to posting news.

The second is a classified ads website using this theme from AppThemes.

The third is a job listing website using this theme from AppThemes.

The fourth is a question answer website using this theme from Templatic.

The users database table of all sections must be the same. The register page must be unique and the user logged in one section must be logged in the others.

It's possible to do this?

Wordpress MU is a good alternative?

Can i do this using subdomains for each section (,,

What's the best way to do this?

Answers (3)


Denzel Chia answers:


The users database table of all sections must be the same.

If you use WordPress Multisite Installation, you will have the same users table for all your sub-domains.

The register page must be unique and the user logged in one section must be logged in the others.

According to this tutorial
Using the domain mapping plugin, it is possible to login into all sites from the main site using the remote login option. The following is an excerpt from that tutorial.

<blockquote>Remote Login – This will make your login pages for all sites redirect to your main site to do the actual login. The benefit of this is that when you log in to one, you log into all of them. The downside is that the URL changes to another domain in order to log in.</blockquote>

<blockquote>Wordpress MU is a good alternative?</blockquote>

Yes, you should go for WordPress Multisite installation. You can follow this guide

<blockquote>Can i do this using subdomains for each section (,,</blockquote>

Not all hosting provider allows this type of sub-domain network. Most shared hosting only allows sub-directory network, such as
More information about this in
You should check with your hosting provider to see if they support sub-domain network.

A friend of mine is trying to achieve one login for all networks, you can check it out here.
Not sure if it is ready for public use.

Hope the above explanation is of any use to you.



alchemist alchemist answers:

Hello ,

I think you can use the concept of templates.

Here you can create 4 .php templates for all the four pages that you mentioned .

In these template files you can easily control what you want to display and what you dont want to display as well as the look and feel of each page can be customised.

For reference you can have a look at here .

Best Regards,


derekshirk answers:

Really the most logical way I would explore setting this up would be through a Wordpress MU site with multiple subdomains.

I think the last user's (Alchemist) comments didn't understand that you were looking to achieve this across multiple domains (multisite) hence his page template suggestion.

Good Luck!