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Wordpress cross-pollinate comments with FB Fan Page WordPress


I had been looking for a plugin that could help me cross pollinate comments between my wordpress site and my Facebook Fan Page.

I tried a number of plugins, but the only one that i found that actually seemed to work was Wordbooker (currently on version 1.8).

This plugin automatically publishes new posts to your Facebook Fan Page wall, also pushes any new comments on the new post into the comments for that particular posting on the FB wall, and also fetches back any comments on this FB Wall post and imports them back into the Wordpress database for that particular blog post.

Its a very nice loop <em>when it works!</em>.

While the fan page publishing has been fine, and pushing of new comments on the post into the FB wall has been generally ok, pulling comments back worked once, but has since stopped working.

I've tried updating to the latest plugin, i've checked Facebook permissions, i've made sure my plugin settings are correct, i've been through a whole manner of things.

The plugin author acknowledges there is possible bug with the plugin, in that this element of functionality is problematic; he has promised to fix this issue in version 2.

Unfortunately, i dont know when version 2 will come out, and i cant wait that long, so i am looking for anyone that may be able to help me with cross pollinating comments between my wordpress site and my FB wall, either by suggesting a plugin that actually works (i would prefer to see a working example, if you are recommending a plugin, in the manner i have intended) or by helping me to fix the existing plugin.

I will present to you the wordpress site where the plugin does not seem to be working.

Here is a link to the wordbooker plugin in case you want to learn more about it.

[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

I'm rather impartial to what method is used, as long as by the time we finish, i have the ability to auto-publish new posts to my FB Fan Page Wall (Not my personal profile wall), and cross-pollinate comments between the FB Wall post and the Wordpress post.

Answers (2)


Rashad Aliyev answers:

Dear Khuram Malik,

Try to use this plugin.

and also tell your site url for checking this.

Khuram Malik comments:

I've already tried Simple Facebook Connect. I couldnt get this plugin to even post to my Facebook Fan Page wall. With this plugin i was required to create my own FB app, which i did and then i added it to my FB Fan page, but the posting didnt work, so i was stuck at the first hurdle.

Rashad Aliyev comments:

Please read here,

You'll find the documentation. Maybe you're making mistake.

[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

Tell me your site URL, I want to check it too..

Rashad Aliyev comments:

Sorry forget URL:

[[LINK href=""]]Documentation[[/LINK]]

I've installed Simple Facebook Connect plugin and test it. That's seems good working.


paul de wouters answers:

you can also try this plugin :

Khuram Malik comments:

I've not come across this plugin before. i'll give it a shot. Thank you.
If it does what i need it to do, i'll come back and award you the prize money

Khuram Malik comments:

OK I've downloaded this plugin, i installed it, setup a new application in Facebook and entered the API key details into the plugin configuratin page into wordpress.

I'm not getting any kind of result?

The plugin has only one simple configuration page that requests an API key and secret, is that supposed to be like that?

Is there no documentation on what parameters the FB app should be set to?

I dont see any post specific options when i setup a new post in wordpress that would suggest its going to post to the Facebook app?