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Wordpress chained search menus with categories and sub-categories WordPress


Hello, I've been trying to find a plugin to create a particular chained drop-down menu to search through categories and sub-categories in a WP site I'm working on. No luck.

What I need is to have a drop-down menu where you choose a category among a specific list, and this triggers another drop-down with the related sub-categories.

Actually I'd need a "Continent" drop-down with "Country" as a "child" drop-down, and an "Industry" drop-down with "Product" as a child, all on the same search form.

So for instance you choose "Far East" as continent and the countries drop-down shows only countries from that area. Then you choose "Agriculture" as industry and the product drop-down will show a list of farming products.

You make your four choices and the site will show all posts and pages from those particular categories and sub-categories.

You'd also have the option to make no specific choices and get all posts, or just choose a continent and see all the posts related to that continent.

You can find the page I'm stuck at here (text is in Italian):

I am mostly a web designer, and all the plugins I've tried didn't help me with this, so I decided to ask here.

There's one plugin which probably would help me achieve this, but it's not compatible with recent WP releases, and it requires more coding experience than I have (

Thanks for your time, I hope I was clear enough, my English is what it is.

Answers (4)


Arnav Joy answers:

So the plugin os ok with you or it requires customization


Sébastien | French WordpressDesigner answers:

the plugin category-ajax-chain-selects/ is ok with the last version of wp
i'm trying actually and that works

You must use a code like that
<?php chainselect_getcategories( 'category', 3, array('Select Country', 'Select County', 'Select Town'), array('Country', 'County', 'Town') ) ?>

Maioneis comments:

I have no idea how to use the plugin actually, since I don't know php. I'd need to know exactly how to use it to do what I described in the question.

Sébastien | French WordpressDesigner comments:

to use it to do what you described in the question isn't possible.
You can have a first drop-down menu "Continent" with "Country" as a "child" drop-down but not another dropdown menu (like "industry" for example)
Maybe it's possible to customize the plugin but it's a real job


Remy answers:

You need to either customize the plugin, or ask someone to create a specific solution for you


zebra webdesigns answers:

Hello Maionesis

I can do this job for you.
you can get in touch with me through skype [bhuvan530531] or you can send mail to [email protected]

This will take minimum of a day and maximum of 2 days to finish.
you can donate me once the work is finished.

Have a great day