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Wordpress Pagination WordPress


I have wordpress pagination working using:

global $wp_query;

$big = 999999999; // need an unlikely integer

echo paginate_links( array(
'base' => str_replace( $big, '%#%', get_pagenum_link( $big ) ),
'format' => '?paged=%#%',
'current' => max( 1, get_query_var('paged') ),
'total' => $wp_query->max_num_pages
) );

the problem is the code is outputting single quotes instead of double quotes and so I can't style with css.

Example output:
<span class='page-numbers current'>1</span>
<a class='page-numbers' href=''>2</a>
<a class='page-numbers' href=''>3</a>
<a class='page-numbers' href=''>4</a>
<a class="next page-numbers" href="">Next &raquo;</a>

Any thoughts?

Answers (6)


Luis Abarca answers:

You can styles, with single or double quotes.

.page-numbers {
/* your styles */

You can also wrap the pagination in a DIV

<div id="pagination">
<span class='page-numbers current'>1</span>
<a class='page-numbers' href=''>2</a>
<a class='page-numbers' href=''>3</a>
<a class='page-numbers' href=''>4</a>
<a class="next page-numbers" href="">Next &raquo;</a>


And add styles like this

#pagination span {}
#pagination a {}

Luis Abarca comments:

Yep, you can add styles, maybe yor styles are overwrited by other rules in your stylesheet, so you can use !important to check

.page-numbers {
color: #00f !important;

.page-numbers:hover {
color: #f00 !important;


rizaljohn answers:

I don't think you can't add style on single quote. Do you have the link?


Hai Bui answers:


It doesn't matter if it outputs single quotes or double quotes, you can add css styles either way.


Ross Wilson answers:

Why can you not style this type of output. I was able to style your html here:
[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]


John Cotton answers:

Hi Julian

I never noticed that before, but you're absolutely right, that function mixes single and double quotes.

But why does it stop you using css? A class attribute is a class attribute which you use....

You could always wrap a str_replace or preg_replace around the function if you really wanted the consistency.

julesphoto comments:

Wow another thing learned... I had no idea that you could style with either single or double quotes.. just rushed to the assumption that it was wrong. Still I would prefer if it was double quote to keep everything consistent. I have no idea how to wrap in the str_replace to format as I want.


idt answers:

You can style regardless of single or double quotes.{
/* page number styles */
a.current {
/* style for current page link */
} {
/* Style for next page link */