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Wordpress CSS - no IE Sidebar WordPress



Searched for this high and low but can't seem to figure it out. is a development site - works fine in Chrome, Firefox etc - but IE shows no right scrollbar, making it virtually impossible to browse the site.

I am looking for a fix for this. Please be specific in your reply - what to fix and where - so I can get this implemented right away.

$20 for the winner - this should be easy for someone who knows that they're doing (I, obviously, do not!)


Answers (4)


idt answers:

You have this on your header template:

<!--[if IE]>
<style type="text/css">
overflow-y: hidden;
height: 100%;
overflow: auto;

Remove this:

overflow-y: hidden;

John Vinch comments:

This comes closest - as it will make the scrollbar show in IE8. In IE7, still no scrollbar though. Any ideas?

idt comments:

I'm on IE7 and I'm seeing the vertical scrollbar.

John Vinch comments:

IDT, can you send me a screenshot of IE7 so I can verify? I tried IE NetRenderer and it doesn't show for some reason.

Also, shows the menu items and prices - but the prices seem to be pushed down a bit compared to the menu item they represent. This just happens in IE7. I'll reward you the $20 as your initial, unedited answer came closest, provided you can show me it works in IE7 - but it would be tremendously helpful if you'd have a solution for the 2nd issue as well.

idt comments:

Here is the screenshot...

I'll check the issue on this page: I'll get back to you.