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WordPress consultant/tutor needed near Berkeley, CA, USA WordPress

Hi, all you WordPress experts out there! Do any of you live in the San Francisco Bay Area and have time to work with me in the next few days?

I am an online communications designer/consultant, brand new to WordPress (I've been building my sites with html/css and customizing Ning and - don't get mad - TypePad), and I have just accepted a gig to build what I think should be a (relatively) simple site using WordPress. This is exciting because I've really been wanting to learn it, but challenging in that the job comes with a pressing deadline (next Tuesday!).

Bottom line is I need help learning WordPress quickly and pulling the job together competently.

The site needs two different layouts - one for the front page (with some quick links, no menu) and one for the inside pages, which can hopefully just be tweaked a bit for a third, blog layout (by accessing different items in the sidebar). The inside page layout utilizes a simple "block" navigation menu - not a vertical bar - with no drop down secondary menu.

I feel fairly confident about installing WP, but hear there are things I should know about how to make the process more secure and I definitely need help choosing a theme that's appropriate for my customization needs with all the necessary bits and pieces (widget-readiness, new menu system, etc. I have a list of specs and am comfortable buying a premium theme if it has what we need and will make the job easier), as well as installing and customizing it. I've pretty much finished coding the site in html/css, so we can draw from that to create a child theme, which I understand is probably what I need.

I've been devouring everything I can read/watch about how to work with WP, but I learn best from watching and working with someone, and I don't have the leisure to make all those newbie mistakes I'm bound to make without your help.

If you can help me, I'll be very grateful. Please respond with your availability, rates, and links to your work if you have them.

Answers (1)


Lawrence Krubner answers:

I assume people are contacting Amy directly, which is fine. I'd suggest people let this $5 go to the Community Pot.