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WordPress Navigation Categories with Recent Posts & Thumbnails WordPress


I'd like to create a navigation menu like one on with each category having a drop down to it's sub categories which shows the recent posts for each category with a thumbnails?

Ideally the code should have a loop in which I can place pretty much anything you would in a WP_Query post loop.

Things like thumbnails, taxonomy, tags, permalink etc.

Answers (4)


Arnav Joy answers:

Whhy you do not try this plugin

Glenton Samuels comments:

I'm aware of the plugins available, but I'm looking for a method without a plugin that gives me the ability for more customization.


Navjot Singh answers:

Its available as a plugin on Codecanyon -


Fahad Murtaza answers:

I think this question is too involved for someone to develop the functionality for you. You can ask for a quote via personal message if you want.

By the way, you can get the refund for this question. Buy the plugin, then ask for a customisation here. If you want the plugin functionality to be customised, you can develop it as a part of your theme.


Eric P. answers:

If you're using it on a single website, it's going to be tough to beat the price of the "basic license" for that plugin.

If you're developing "premium theme(s)" and want to use it, the "extended license" is probably going to be a better deal than paying someone to develop it for you as a "work for hire." And the "extended license" is probably a better use of your resources than developing it yourself from scratch.

This is a case where buying the functionality probably makes more sense than building it yourself.


Having said all that, look closely at both of the recommended plugins. I notice that the "MashMenu" one has some things on the page which imply the developer has a poor understanding of WordPress. Specifically this:
<blockquote><strong>PLEASE NOTE</strong>

MashMenu DOES NOT automatically replace your current navigation. Your current navigation comes with theme, and it varies. Therefore, you have to manually remove current navigation, using theme options (if your theme supports it) or editing code – just simply remove one line of code SIMILAR to this <?php wp_nav_menu();?></blockquote>
Every version of wp_nav_menu() that I've ever seen ends with a filter hook like this:
$nav_menu = apply_filters( 'wp_nav_menu', $nav_menu, $args );
I would be concerned about a plugin developer who develops a menu plugin and doesn't understand how to make that work. Banging on theme files and telling users, "you have to manually remove current navigation, using theme options (if your theme supports it) or editing code" is kind of stupid.

I'd look more at UberMenu because of that.