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WordPress Gallery Permalinks WordPress


I created a gallery for my website using for Lightroom. The gallery was embedded using the Kimili Flash Embed plugin version 2.2. The gallery can be seen here -

Outside of WordPress the gallery utilizes permalinks. You can see the permalinks in address bar as the images progress here -

When the gallery is embedded into my website, the permalinks are no longer active.

Is there a way to embed my gallery into WordPress so that the permalinks are still available?

I am using WordPress 3.3.1.

Answers (5)


Hai Bui answers:

You have to embed the gallery with javascript instead of using Kimili Flash Embed plugin.
It's very hard to give you detailed instructions here. I'll help you do it if you PM me WP admin info.

Basically, you have to put this code in the post content, but will need some tweaks:

<div id="slideshow-container">

<script type="text/javascript" src="js/slideshowpro.js"></script>

<div id="slideshow">


<script type="text/javascript">
attributes: {
id: "slideshow",
expandBrowserWindow: false,
width: "900.00",
height: "637.00",
scale: "Fixed",
src: "slideshowpro.swf"
mobile: {
auto: false
params: {
bgcolor: "#FFFFFF",
allowfullscreen: "true"
flashvars: {
xmlFileType: "Default",
xmlFilePath: encodeURIComponent("images.xml"),
paramXMLPath: "param.xml"



Arnav Joy answers:

can you explain your problem it is not much clear to me.


Christianto answers:


Did you use wordpress plugin to create the gallery? what plugin?
The way you initialize the gallery on wordpress and outside wordpress is different.

if you create it without plugin have you check this documentation..
[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

Christianto comments:

idt, why your answer similar with me...?

Christianto comments:

I found that in order to get the url working on kimili plugin,

beside you add this code on header:
<script type="text/javascript">
function flashPutHref(href) { location.href = href; }

You have to change parameter "allowscriptaccess" to "always"
The permalink will change on address bar while image change.

But the problem with these when you visit page with album/contentID/num on the address like:
It won't load properly to certain image.

I try to add flashvar to the fvars box, to make the gallery start at certain image (parameter comes from current url)
But still not work..

still looking for a fix..

Christianto comments:

Please change your kimili plugin tag generator from static to dynamic publising, and add on fvars box initialURL=escape(document.location)..

don't forget to add this inside <head>
<script type="text/javascript">
function flashPutHref(href) { location.href = href; }

and set "allowscriptaccess" to "always" as parameter

Did it work on your side?
let me know..


Kannan C answers:

FYI: This link seems like it is not using xml input but your version does. You may try creating your xml file without including album id, like here


idt answers:


1. Can you please try copying the code below and save it as my-ssp-portfolio.php then upload the file to your Wordpress theme directory.

Template Name: Portfolio

<?php get_header(); ?>
<script type="text/javascript">
function flashPutHref(href) { location.href = href; }

<div id="flashcontent"></div>

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
var flashvars = {
initialURL: escape(document.location)
<?php get_sidebar(); ?>
<?php get_footer(); ?>

2. Create a blank Wordpress page, at the bottom right rail of the Create Page, under Template section choose Portfolio Page. Save and view the page.
