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Woocommerce Subscriptions/Membership Plugin WordPress


I need the help from a mid level Woocommerce Expertise.

I'm looking for a plugin that allows me to do the following:

a) accept subscriptions from the front end
b) allow me to create custom fields for the subscriber
c) be compatible with woocommerce to handle membership payment

Here's the path I need to follow:

1. Users fill a front end form - the form will save user subscription but they won't be entering to the site, we will review users info and accepts the submission.
2. If the user is approved we will send them an email for them to use another form to complete their info and select payment type.

Do you know any plugin that allows me to do this process, and by process I mean allowing custom fields and front end registrations.

Answers (4)


Kyle answers:

Gravity Forms User Membership would allow custom fields and has an approve user feature and then you can setup custom links in the approval email to a second form that requires login.

Alvaro Rosado comments:

will gravity forms allows me to select the product on the second step?

Kyle comments:

If you get the Gravity Perk add on and Woo add on then yes or write a filter

Alvaro Rosado comments:

I already have Woocommerce, and I bought this plugin:

but it does not accept front end submissions, so it will not work for me.

What I want to achieve is:

- Create a custom short code with the form to be displayed in the front end.
- Store the member with a pending status or something.
- When changing the status of a Member Send an email with a URL link with his ID as a parameter.
- Within that link have another form so the user can Update extra fields and charge the member for the subscription.

I don't have a problem with the html forms and storing the data, my concern is having a plugin that handles the subscription/recurring payment and allows data input from the front end.

not sure if Gravity Forms will help me with that.

I found these 2:

from your woocommerce expertise, which one do you think will work for me?

Kyle comments:

The free one definitely can't. I haven't used the other one. I don't see anything in the other about user approval. Gravity Forms is a better bet.

Alvaro Rosado comments:

I've started testings with the Gravity Forms plugin... thanks... I hope this helps me.


Sébastien Méric answers:


For membership stuff I usualy use Paid Membership Pro :

To add custom fields :

And even to integrate with Woocommerce :

Maybe you should have a look at this plugin :)

Sébastien Méric comments:

Here is the "approval addon" :

And a way to customize emails :

In your case, you may have 2 membership levels. The first one would be free and would need approval. It may only be used to access a page to purchase the second level that should grant access to premium content. Add a link to this page in the confirmation email sent on approuval.

I never tested this process but it may work for you...

Sébastien Méric comments:

There are so many addons for this plugin...

Here is the "signup shortcode addon" :

"Our Signup Shortcode Add On allows you to embed a membership signup form anywhere on your site."
"The shortcode attributes include: custom_fields – (optional) determines whether to show any Custom Fields added via Register Helper or other Add Ons. The shortcode only supports fields added to the following locations: after_username, after_password, after_email, and before_submit_button. (default: false; Accepts: true or false)"

Sébastien Méric comments:

And last, but not least : you can test everything for free !

Alvaro Rosado comments:

Hello Sebastian, thanks, I asked my client and we'll consider this option if other cheaper options dont't work. Thanks, that plugin looks as a really complete solution.

Alvaro Rosado comments:

I want to test a couple other options, but definitely considering if others doesn't work.


Gabriel Reguly answers:

What about WooCommerce Subscriptions?

Alvaro Rosado comments:

Thanks, Gabriel. Will check it out.

Alvaro Rosado comments:

After a long testing I found that the woocommerce plugin allows me to use the WC_REST so in the long run will be better. Thanks

Gabriel Reguly comments:

Glad to know you found a solution.

Best of luck with the site.



Bob answers:

Let me explain what I understood.

So you want that user should not be able to directly do subscription on your site.
User have to register first and provide you some basic information. Based on that information you will be able to decide if this user should be approved to have subscription or not.

If user is trustworthy then you will approve user which will send them email. After your approval user need to purchase subscription.

Based on what I understood what I think you can do it this way.

1. Create subscription product with woo commerce. you already have necessary plugin.
2. Set that product to only visible/accessible to logged in user only.
3. With registration plugin you can add extra fields to your user registration. you are going to user woocommerce so woocommerce registration related plugins could work or any other you like. just for example I did quick search on google and come up with these.

4. once user register you can check details and approve it. on approval they will get mail. you can create your own approval custom email. (may be custom email facility available in plugin or you can try hooks, need to check documentation)

5. Once user get approval email they will be encouraged in mail to login to your website.

6. When user logs in to website, with wordpress and woocoomerce hooks you can check role of user and if that user is subscribed to any subscription product or not.

7. If user is not subscribed to any product then redirect user to product or even you can add product to cart automatically and redirect to checkout page. Example of different Hooks

8. User will finish their subscription process.

9. For membership only content there is already woocommerce membership plugin.

Let me know if it's helpful or I missed something to understand your need.