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Woocommerce - Stock Quantity Never Get Reduced After Order WordPress



I've woocommerce 2.2.10. I have variations products. For some reason the stock quantity at the backend don't get reduced after I placed order with Paypal and Debt Card worldpay. Yes it is working fine with cash mode. When i updated that to the latest one and checked it is working, however I cant update the plugin as it will ruin my site.

Any help will be appreciated

Answers (4)


Reigel Gallarde answers:

So, it seems that was a bug and is fixed in the current version...

why would updates ruin your site? seems to me, that should be the one to be fixed... updates are there for a reason... if you will not fix what's ruining your site on updates, you will get stuck on that version and might be prone to errors/hacks in the future...


Arnav Joy answers:

have you done any changes in core files of woocommerce ??


Rempty answers:

What is the status of the order after pay via paypal?

Shoeb mirza comments:

on hold

Shoeb mirza comments:

on hold

Rempty comments:

try to configure the paypal notification URL in your paypal account
like this:
You can find more info here:

Shoeb mirza comments:

but the problem remains same for woocommere worldpay as well..


Bob answers:

If status is on hold then it could be paypal configuration issue.

You should use proper email everywhere for paypal settings. Have you added multiple email id at paypal?
is your email id is primary email id?

There could be IPN issue too.

Shoeb mirza comments:

I don't think so, because if I'd have upgraded to latest version then it must not worked too at that time and it is working well.