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Woocommerce Single Product Image Size WordPress


Hi guys, I am having a really hard time with something on my webpage. I am making an ecommerce site for my wife and using blanco wordpress theme. This theme comes along with cloud zoom integrated, when I first added a product I noticed that the image on the single product page was shown full width and height with no cloud zoom. After doing a little search I found that I had to go to woocommerce<settings<scripts and disable the lightbox setting for it to work.

The site was working perfectly and suddenly it started to happen again but this time the settings were ok and I really dont know what to do. I have ran out of options. The site is if anyone can please take a look and let me know if there is anything I can do I would gladly appreciate it. I have left attached an example of what is happening.

Also I noticed that if I resize me browser window too little everything disappears. :/


Answers (1)


Maryke Janse van Rensburg answers:

Did you try to regenerate your thumbnails? Make use of this plugin and see if it works for you?

obrada comments:

Yes tried it, as I told you. It was working fine and suddenly it started doing the same error again.