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WooCommerce or other eCommerce plugin recommendations WordPress


Hi everyone!

I need some help to find out what's the easiest way to sell two types of products via WordPress using available plugins and extensions, without too much coding.

I have several WooCommerce extensions, but it takes too much time to figure out how to configure them until I reach the final results.

So here are the things I'm looking for:

A. Let's say I want to create a "Combo Pack 1+1" of digital goods, and I want the users to be able to purchase a product, and then receive another one free. Because of the large variety of goods, I don't want to force users to select their bonus product at checkout, but after they make the payment, and later when they decide on which product to select, they can do it from My Account.
I have WooCommerce Composite Products and it does something similar, except it asks for bonus product before adding the product to checkout.

So basically this is the process of first situation:
1. I select a product I like, make the payment and buy it.
2. From My Account page I can select anytime I decide the other product, included in the pack.

B. I want to have a Membership subscription which offers access to a limited number of digital products. Members will have to create a subscription, paying a sign-up fee and a monthly fee.

Example of situation: The membership offers access to 10 products for a $200 sign-up fee + $20/month.
1. User joins the membership paying the sign-up fee and creating a new subscription with a monthly fee
2. The user can now select any 10 products from My Account page he wants to add to his account.
3. In case he cancels the subscription, and didn't selected all 10 products, the option to select remaining products will be available. So the monthly fee will be needed only to keep access to support section.

A few WooCommerce extensions that I already have, but couldn't find an easy to do what I want:

Composite Products - only allows to select the included products before making the payment
Points & Rewards
Account Funds - allows to select products to buy with funds added in account from My Account

Answers (3)


Remy answers:

Did you look at the [[LINK href=""]]easy digital downloads[[/LINK]] plugin and its add-ons ?

For your membership, there is also [[LINK href=""]]Restrict Content Pro[[/LINK]] by the same author

Pavel Ciorici comments:

Yes, I know about EDD, but it seems that there are more WC extensions for other things that I need too.


Gabriel Reguly answers:

Hi Pavel,

Nice to see you here too :-)


Gabriel Reguly comments:

For first situation, I can code a custom solution where the client gets a coupon to be used later and the available coupons will be listed at My Account page.

For the second situation you will need Subscriptions plugin.

I assume the digital products are downloads, correct? So you will need some custom code to list them at the My Account page.


Krum Cheshmedjiev answers:

I would suggest [[LINK href=""]]s2Members[[/LINK]] plugin instead WC, free edition is OK for you. It allows memberships (answer to your second case) and can sell individual products or pre-defined groups of products (answers your first case). Note that no cart there, this can be problem, but you must think about. It will need some additional code to glue all together, I can help, if you prefer.