I have an issue with my WooCommerce site, not showing reviews, and being unable for customers to leave reviews.
You can see an example here:
I can add a review from the admin backend, but even then, it doesn't actually show up on the product page (I says "1 review", but you can't actually see the review).
I'm using the Karma wordpress theme, sadly, support has been unable to help me, and simply asked me to check WooCommerce documentation.
Reviews ARE enabled at the backend for products, and WooCommerce in general.
All I want is the ability for customers to add reviews, like they usually would on any WooCommerce site, and for those reviews to show up.
isp_charlie answers:
this is template problem, not css, please give me informations via private message, i'll debug on template.
philipzeplin comments:
Sent :)
isp_charlie comments:
please give me ftp info too, Thanks.
philipzeplin comments:
also sent :)
isp_charlie comments:
philipzeplin comments:
Thank you! The reviews are showing up perfectly now.
But it seems that you changed something, that has also changed how my blog posts look:
It shouldn't have that border and background. Basically, the blog posts look like product reviews o_O'
Here is an example from the theme website, on how a blog post looks:
isp_charlie comments:
fixed, i has before but you didn't "Purge All Caches" on WP Engine when changed file.
philipzeplin comments:
Awesome! Fucking love you man!
I would love it if you could send me a message, telling me what the general problem was :) (just in short, simple terms, doesn't need to be fancy).
Kyle answers:
The reviews are being hidden. There is a style attribute 'display: none' being added to each tab
Add this to your style sheet to solve:
display: block !important;
philipzeplin comments:
Sadly didn't work :(
I just made jumping between "Descriptions" and "Reviews" not change anything (before Reviews was a blank page, now it's the same page as Descriptions).