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WooCommerce Tickets by Modern Tribe - Attendees Modification WordPress

I am using WooCommerce Tickets by Modern Tribe to sell tickets to events with integration into WooCommerce.

There is an attendees list associated with every event, and I need to be able to add additional columns of data to this for export.

At the moment, the default columns are:

Order # / Order Status / Purchaser Name / Purchaser Email / Ticket Type / Ticket # / Security Code

I need to include:

Order # / Order Status / Purchase Name / Purchaser Email / Ticket Type / Quantity / Ticket # / Purchase Notes / Security Code

So new columns of Quantity and Purchase Notes (which comes from the WooCommerce additional notes the customer can enter on checkout)

Additionally if someone purchases say 3 tickets they appear on this list 3 seperate times - so I only need each order to appear once (hence the quantity field)

And lastly, is it possible to do automatic sorting - so order A-Z by Ticket Type and then Order #

The file in question seems to be:
wp-the-events-calendar / lib / tickets / tribe-tickets-attendees.php

Answers (2)


Romel Apuya answers:


What are you using when exporting??
Can you share code..

vi_au comments:

WooCommerce Tickets has its own export > it builds it from the default attendees file and saves out to a CSV

Romel Apuya comments:


Need to revise the code in
wp-the-events-calendar / lib / tickets / tribe-tickets-attendees.php

and also the code for export.
This is a paid plugin you can maybe ask for support ticket.
But if not maybe you can share FPT login details in PM.



Arnav Joy answers:

can you show example of what you are getting right now and how you want it to look?

vi_au comments:

Sure - see attached.

You can see even though it is the one order, it is shown 3 times, because they ordered 3 BAR GA tickets.