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Wich theme for a pizza restaurant? Wich plugin for e-commerce? WordPress


How a question title, i search a good theme for pizza restaurante (the typical restaurant where you order pizza and they'll bring the pizza at your home). This theme must have space for advertising, and must support plugin for e-commerce (very simply, secure, complete).

I tried for a long time to finfd a theme, but I've not found. Please do not show me a site where maybe I can find a theme, but an address where 100% is definitely sure that are a the theme for the pizza restaurant (or directly link to theme).

If you think that the price for this question is to low, just tell me and we will see what is possible modify.


How much for commission someone to do a custom theme or editing an existing theme that meets all mine needs, same with the plugin?

Answers (5)


Sidd answers:

THEME - [[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]
[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]
[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

PLUGINS - [[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

mothernatur3s0n comments:

Thanks, i like ll this theme but no one is specifically for pizza only!

Sidd comments:

What you will need to remember is that you will still have to adapt the theme.
There is no such theme that is so specifically ready.
With the examples that I pointed out, you should be able to modify with ease and get going quickly.

Also, you will still need someone to have your e-commerce plugin setup to suite your needs.


Buzu B answers:

I found this:
[[LINK href=" "]] [[/LINK]]
DEMO: [[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

Here are some e-commerce plugins:

[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

I hope this helps. Remember, you can always commission someone to do a custom theme that meets all your needs, same with the plugin.

mothernatur3s0n comments:

I forgot that i have find too this theme, but is horrible for my personal opinion and is Tested on Wordpress version 2.5.

mothernatur3s0n comments:

[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

Is a theme builded with Artister, nothing of special, i can do this and probably better to this one. But thanks for your help

mothernatur3s0n comments:

<blockquote>Remember, you can always commission someone to do a custom theme that meets all your needs, same with the plugin.</blockquote>

Yes i know but i have two option:
1. commission someone to do a custom theme that meets all mine needs, same with the plugin. (high cost probably);
2. commission someone to customize an existing theme that meets all mine needs, same with the plugin.

I will edit my question

Buzu B comments:

<blockquote>How much for commission someone to do a custom theme or editing an existing theme that meets all mine needs, same with the plugin?</blockquote>

You will have to give more info on the subject to get an accurate pricing. I'll be interested on hearing about those details. Send me a message in case you are interested. We can get hands on the job as soon as you want.


Nathaniel Usarzewicz answers:

Here's a plugin for e-Commerce: - you would still need tech expert to adapt it for your needs.

As for theme, as far as I know there is no "pizza restaurant" theme designed specifically for WordPress so your best option will be to order some freelance work. Either that or you can scan entire web and find nothing ;).

In the end, finding a freelancer to create a site for you is the best option to take.

Just post a free job ad at - I'm sure you will get a lot of offers.

mothernatur3s0n comments:

Your last editing is more interessant... I will see if this will solve my question


Dan Davies answers:

Pizza templates:

eCommerce: or

I would be happy to design and build this website for $550.

mothernatur3s0n comments:

<blockquote>zza templates:</blockquote>

Thanks for the ideas but no one of this theme are designed for wordpress.

<blockquote>I would be happy to design and build this website for $550.</blockquote>

Thanks for the offers but is too high your cost.

Dan Davies comments:

Well you could purchase one of those themes and turn it into a WordPress template - which isn't really that difficult.

Dan Davies comments:

Alternatively, you can commission me to use one of those templates, and I'll change it into a WordPress template for $150.


Erez S answers:

what do u think about this:
all you had to do is to change the header image to pizza image,and if you want to change few colors and u have great theme :)
i think u shouldn't look for pizza theme,but you need to look for a theme which have the right colors and build to be pizza theme and then all you have to do is some costumize work to change the theme to ur needs
sorry about the poor english

mothernatur3s0n comments:

Dear erez thanks for your suggestion but this theme is not my favorite, and if I have to change everything to get a satisfactory result then it is better to choose a different theme. Thanks for the advice anyway. At this time only Buzu B has offered to create an thema ad hoc for me to a very competitive cost. We will see