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Why doesn't my site load? WordPress

I've tried 3 caching plug-ins and they all crash my site. Why? I assume there is a conflict somewhere.

Tried WP Super Cache, W3 Total Cache and Quick Cache. Currently only QuickCache is Enabled.

Please check on Chrome, FF and IE.

The website is [[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]].

**Please check multiple pages. Not just the homepage. **

Answers (8)


Michael Caputo answers:

Seems to be loading just fine for me.


Bogdan answers:

Your website it`s ok. I can see it :)


Dennis Vieira answers:

Looks ok to me as well...

Dennis Vieira comments:

I do notice that there is something wrong with the HTML comment for Quick Cache. Look at the very bottom of the page, it displays part of an HTML comment.

Dennis Vieira comments:

Here is a screen shot. Using Chrome Version 21.0.1180.79 on Mac OS X Lion.