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Why does my menu bar drop below jQuery only under 13 WordPress


WordPress Version: 3.4.1
Theme: Karma (from ThemeForest)

I've just learned that my website's main-menu drops down under the jQuery slider on some displays. I'm using one of the default Google fonts.

It displays as intended on:
iPhone 4S
Samsung Galaxy SII
19" Monitor @ 1280 x 1024
15" Monitor @ 1280 x 800

The does *not* display correctly on:
13" Macbook Pro (late 2011) @ 1280 x 800

I have tried adding the custom code give by the support crew for the theme

@media screen and (max-width: 990px){
#menu-main-nav li strong {font-weight:500 !important;font-size:14px !important;}
@media screen and (max-width: 800px){
#menu-main-nav li strong {font-weight:500 !important;font-size:14px !important;}

But it has no effect.

I would like to know:
1) Why is this happening only on the MacBook?
2) What steps will correct the issue?

Answers (4)


Michael Caputo answers:

Can you share what browser you're using and what version it is?

Michael Caputo comments:

I tested your site in these browsers:

Safari 6,
Safari 5.1,
Firefox 9.0.1,
Firefox 12,
Firefox 13,
Firefox 17,
Chrome 16,
Chrome 17,
Chrome 18,
Chrome 19,
Chrome 20,
Chrome 22

All work fine here. Your screen resolution shouldn't matter (unless your browser window is a lot smaller than your screen size.

One thing I would ask - is the browser window the full size of your screen or is it smaller?

TenLeftFingers comments:

Hi Michael,

I'm using Firefox 14 and Safari 6. I did use Chrome initially also but that was a while ago.

The site and theme was consistent across all browsers (even Gnome based ones like Epiphany).

On the 13" Macbook Pro, where the problem is, I tried:
Firefox 13, 14
Safari 6

Maximized and fullscreen - but no luck. It appears to be specific to something other than the browser.
Here is what it looks like on the 13" display.

Michael Caputo comments:

I think you forgot the attachment

TenLeftFingers comments:

I'm having difficulty uploading it. I get re-directed to a blank "", I'll try from another browser..

TenLeftFingers comments:

Have to do it this way: