I have my wp blog www.6beb.net an arabic health tips site, I want to speed it up.
this is a report by google page speed
High priority. These suggestions represent the largest potential performance wins for the least development effort. You should address these items first:
Leverage browser caching, Combine images into CSS sprites
Medium priority. These suggestions may represent smaller wins or much more work to implement. You should address these items next:
Minimize redirects, Optimize the order of styles and scripts
Low priority. These suggestions represent the smallest wins. You should only be concerned with these items after you've handled the higher-priority ones:
Optimize images, Specify a cache validator, Minify HTML, Minimize request size, Specify image dimensions, Remove query strings from static resources
Already done!. There are no suggestions for these rules, sin
Abdelhadi Touil answers:
I'm an arabic web designer, so I can help you, just contact me :)
Good luck.
Gabriel Reguly answers:
There are more tools than just Google Page Speed, here is one:
[[LINK href="http://tools.pingdom.com/fpt/#!/NdcNaoYRF/www.6beb.net"]]http://tools.pingdom.com/fpt/#!/NdcNaoYRF/www.6beb.net[[/LINK]]
Doug Montgomery answers:
From looking at the pingdom report, if I read it correctly, your host is the majority of your problem. Any of you pro's out here can correct me if I'm wrong, I'm still learning.
I see 2 problems, timthumb and your host.
What I see is that your host is taking too long to respond to the requests and and timthumb is slowing things down. No answer here for timthumb but there are a ton of hosts that can resolve the response problem.
Wish I knew more. I'm just a backyard wordpress-er trying to learn.
Good luck.
ps. If anyone has a problem with me pipping in with a comment or 2 on different problems please just let me know...I'll keep my nose out.