I have just lost a surprising amount of time looking for a plugin to do something I assume is simple: ensure that in the head section of the page that generates a WordPress page, there is a link to a unique RSS feed for each category. Wordpress has long supported an URL structure that allows any category to have an RSS feed simply by adding "feed" to the end of the URL for the category. All I need is a plugin that would discover how many categories are on a particular site, and then make sure one such URL appears in the head section for each of those categories.
In my searching I found many, many plugins that make the RSS feeds visible to the user, but that is not what I need. I have some code that can easily auto-discover the RSS feeds that are invisibly listed in the HEAD section of the page -- I just need a plugin that ensures those feeds get listed.
Dbranes answers:
Hi Lawrence
if you mean a list of all your categories with corresponding feed links, then one idea is:
$catlist = wp_list_categories('echo=0&show_count=0&title_li=<h2>Categories (feeds)</h2>');
$catlist = str_replace('" title="','feed/" title="',$catlist);
echo $catlist;
Navjot Singh answers:
For category archives the link is auto inserted by WordPress if your theme has this code somewhere in the functions.php
add_theme_support( 'automatic-feed-links' );