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What platform to build website on and theme? WordPress

Hey everyone,

I wanted to create a website very similar to these websites-

The concept is that they simply share stories/videos. I would like something very similar to their format. I would especially like the ability to share videos and have facebook share buttons that stand out so it is easy to share.

Please guide me on what websites these sites may have been created on. I am planning to get hosting through godaddy and build it through wordpress since I have no programming background. Please let me know if you would recommend making it through wordpress or another platform. Also please suggest various themes that may suit what I am looking for.

Thank you in advance.

Answers (5)


Sabby Sam answers:

Hi, You can make many things in wordpress. The same project could be done in wordpress. Themeforest is best to choosing the right theme.

If you required a custom support please pm me details.
I would happy to help you.
Thank you.


zebra webdesigns answers:

Hello Faster

That site you shown is built on wordpress. they have created a custom theme,
If you want I can give the best suggestion to get your site started.
Please check the following link for social sharing with count details

zebra webdesigns comments:

If you are interested in readymade themes go for themeforest,
If you want the website created for your taste with mobile responsiveness and future proof,
then buy genesis theme and dynamik child theme, you can control anything you want.

If you need a basic training on wordpress I can help you through skype and get your wordpress site started.
you can contact me at [email protected]

skype id: bhuvan530531

I will send few theme suggestions shortly and you will love wordpress once you involved in it.

zebra webdesigns comments:

please use the following link to go through the themes related to blog and magazine.
you can sort the themes based on the price, popularity, new, old, rating

themeforest is maintaining strict standards to ensure quality themes.


Espreson Media answers:

Both and are built on wordpress framework.
You can have your website with this framework too. This platform is manageable/extensible and user friendly.

PM back to get your custom designed website built on this platform.


Ryan S answers:

This one "" is created using WordPress framework and "" using Ruby, I suggest WordPress as it is the easiest way to make Website specially for those who don't have any web background.

You can find a lot in "", or you need more help message me and In can guide you through.


Thomas Varghese answers:

Well if you have choosen wordpress then i guess you are on the right path. The website you shown are built in wordpress. And for a person who doesn't know how to code for him the best solution is wordpress ( doesn't mean wordpress developers doesn't need to code at all). Basically a good theme can solve most of your problem. You will just need to add your video or content as post in wordpress and publish it .Thats all what will be required from your side. Yes themeforest have dozens of good templates. This one is good . Do let me know if you need any futhur help.