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What is the best way to create a video sharing site with WP? WordPress


I have a client who wants a video sharing site where members can uplaod videos and they can comment and vote etc.

Any pointer would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks

Answers (6)


Fahad Murtaza answers:

Hi Steve

I think this link should be the first place you should go for help

Also check this one

It has many features including the following

<blockquote>* Allow readers and subscribers to add video and audio comments, and to participate in collaborative videos;</blockquote>

which can be extremely useful for you.

One more thing, you can get some developer to modify this for you so that you can upload videos to amazon services like AWS EC2 etc.



Abdessamad Idrissi answers:

The best is to keep your videos on Youtube, because uploading directly to your website will take space and requires lot of programming (encoding, smart video serving depending on internet connectioin, HD/SD) that already YouTube offers for free.

There's the possiblity to upload to YouTube without quiting your wordpress website: [[LINK href=""]]YouTube Uploader[[/LINK]] does that.

Once you upload your videos to YouTube and integrate them in your post, people can comment on that post and you can use a plugin such as [[LINK href=""]]Genki Youtube Comments[[/LINK]] to grab the comments from youtube and integrate them with existing wordpress comments syetem etc.

Abdessamad Idrissi comments:

Users also can upload videos to YouTube and then post it into the website, then for [[LINK href=""]]voting[[/LINK]] or other functionality will be applied to the current post using the available hundreds of WordPress plugins


Hardeep Singh answers:

The above site runs on wordpress with Video capabilties using theme free video theme (I don't have it top of my head.)

Videos are loaded to YouTube to save on programing & site space. (as suggested by Abdessamad Idrissi too)

We did customizations in the site to make the way it is. Voting/rating is there using "GD Rating" plugin.

Allowing users upload videos can be achieved using form plugins like Gravity/Formidable Forms.

If you need help/want to create such site, we can help you. You can reach me on skype (worldofharry)


Luis Abarca answers:

I think that this plugin + or youtube.

if you want more control of your content, you can also use cloud servers, unlimited disk space and a content distribution network (CDN):

- Amazon EC2 + Amazon S3 + Amazon CloudFront
- Rackspace Cloud Server + Cloud Files (CDN included)

Im using Rackspace cloud files with email blast and file distribution like videos and PSD/PDF for printing jobs, Cloud Servers works with the Akamai network

You can also use Google Video for Google Apps, its like your own Youtube


Bob Keen answers:

The golden standard is CloudPlayer Pro, which uses a combination of WP and Amazon CloudFront.

It comes with modules to create and manage distributions as well as upload files to Amazon CloudFront.



Luis Cordova answers:

All of the suggestions above could work, however i recommend if you are looking for a serious solution to consider an app developed in a proper framework, such as symfony2 or zendframework2. I have seen systems doing this and similar stuff and for what you want to do is ideal. Any other solution is suboptimal although at first could seem easier and cheaper. This advice can save you years of wasting your time with something that is not worth it. But you take the decision.