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What is the best way of doing this? WordPress


I am going to implement a remote blog management system. I will manage (i am explaining it later), a number of blogs from a central place.

By managing I actually do not mean managing everything. Here how it will work:

1. from the panel, user will put server login (initially I am thinking about cPanel only so that I can use their API to copy files, create db). but how can I do it if user want to provide ftp and db credentials?
2. it will install a wordpress
3. it will have to activate a theme
4. it will have to activate one or more plugins and set plugins initial configurations. we know which key=>value we need to set. just need how best to do it?

Currently I am thinking two things:
1. XML-RPC - I yet not sure whether it will work
2. A custom listener
- That mean during file copy, I will include a custom file with a random hash value (to authenticate). i will call this file from my manager. as the listener is installed with that wordpress installation (and it will load wp-config.php), it can execute the commands like activate_plugins or something like that.

I am looking for your suggestion. I just need the idea, no solution!


Answers (2)


Ozh RICHARD answers:

Don't reinvent the wheel and fork this? [[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

And yeah, I would first check at RPC.

Monster Coder comments:

Thanks for link. Let me have a look at that!


Ashfame answers:

Research what all you can do with the XMLRPC API right now. Does that suffice your needs? If yes, then use it.

Regarding 2,3,4 that can be done easily.
There were mass installation scripts which would set certain values of their own like you mentioned. Its somewhere linked on the Codex.
You can try asking that on wp-hackers list if you need any specific help. That's the best free help you can get from the experts.

Monster Coder comments:

Thanks for answering. I yet to look at XML RPC. I am just seeking ideas before I jump actual RnD!

I am not looking solution as I will implement it myself. I am just looking for the best and ease way of doing this!

So, your suggestion is highly appreciated!