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What are the best image managers out there? WordPress


I'm installing a new version of WordPress. I'm starting a new site. The site will mostly consist of photos. I am curious which of the image plugins currently work with the newest version of WordPress, are useful and intuitive to use.

Answers (5)


Maor Barazany answers:

You could try the [[LINK href=""]]file gallery[[/LINK]] plugin, it's very easy to use and you have for each post and page the option to add galleries and you see them in the edit screen of each page or post.
It works well with the new Custom Post Type of WordPress.

You could also you the [[LINK href=""]]wp-SimpleView[[/LINK]] plugin which does nice work.

A lot of people may recommend you the [[LINK href=""]]next-gen[[/LINK]] plugin, but I don't like it so much since it makes the site very heavy and has effect on performance. I don't know if these issues have been solved in its latest version.


Chris Lee answers:

Next Gen Gallery:




Denzel Chia answers:


I suggest not using any gallery plugins, you are already able to post images using WordPress built in media uploader, and gallery shortcode. Just use Cleaner Gallery plugin. to enhance it.

Cleaner gallery plugin has the following features,

1) Validates the aweful XHTML that WordPress spits out.
2) Several options on how you want your gallery images.
3) Allows multiple galleries in a single post.
4) Ability to set the number of images shown in each gallery.
5) Ability to exclude or include any images from your gallery.
6) Doesn't load any JavaScript unless you choose to do so.

Cleaner Gallery also supports 17 JavaScript light box plugins



Jonah Schulte answers:

I personally really like the NextGen gallery plugin. I use it in the admin to manage my galleries and use some custom code on the front end of the site to show the galleries.


Jeremy Jared answers:

NextGen Gallery:

This gives you much more control of images and galleries. NextGen Gallery isn't your average plug-in Alex Rabe has worked on this plug-in and has done a fine job. You don't have to worry about this one being dropped from future versions of Wordpress. It has many add-ons to achieve some really cool effects that would otherwise require scripting from a high priced developer. I am not one to go with the flow, and I attempted to use something else because I am hard-headed. After searching and tinkering for months, I finally broke down and installed NextGen. I haven't looked back.

Here are some links:



stats info (the numbers speak for themselves):

Tip: If you decide to install the JW Image rotator, you only need the imagerotator.swf file. When you download the plug-in it will have several files, but the only one needed is the imagerotator.swf, and it must be placed in the uploads file (ex: /wp-content/uploads). After you place it here, go to NextGen Gallery options from the Admin Panel in Wordpress. Navigate to the slideshow tab and choose locate imagerotator.swf, this will get it working.