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Website doesn't look good in IE WordPress

Hi there,

I have website which has recently been updated to a new theme.

I'm happy with the way it looks on all browsers except Internet Explorer (big surprise).

Could someone please jump in and have a look and possibly update the site to respond well in this browser like it does everywhere else?

The main problems are
- The navigation menu, which turns to a bulleted list in internet Explorer, instead of being a nice drop down menu.
- The slider on the home page doesnt seem to be working
- formatting is generally out of whack.

I've sent a screenshot of what I see in IE.

Please PM me for FTP etc.


Answers (4)


Sabby Sam answers:

Please reload your site again, I could not find such issue on my IE browser.
Can you tell me what browser are you using.

Kate Hernandez comments:

Its Internet Explorer 9 and its being viewed through a terminal server.

Sabby Sam comments:

Your site seems to be okay, please reload with the cache clear.

Sabby Sam comments:

Alternate ,
I found this code in your footer,
If you remove this one then I hope your error get resolved

<!--[if IE]>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>


Arnav Joy answers:

i think you have some problem in js file javascript-core.js

Kate Hernandez comments:

what do you think the problem is?

Arnav Joy comments:

i not sure what the problem is but ie console shows it


isp_charlie answers:

it happening on ie7, looks like it not work on IE7 and javascript also.

isp_charlie comments:

put this to heed tab
<!--[if lt IE 10]>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

upload html5 file to "themes/meteor/core/js/"

isp_charlie comments:

download html5 for ie here


MDan answers:

Hello Kate,

Check if your Javascript is enabled in IE or if it's blocked in any way.

I tried checking the website with javascript disabled and it looks like in your screenshot.
With Javascript enabled <strong>in IE8</strong> the website runs fine.
You can also check your security settings in IE.