Hey there,
I'm wondering if someone can help me take off a couple of social buttons from my social sharing plugin on this blog http://www.vickisimpson.com
Just wanted to keep Twitter, Facebook and Email and remove the other ones.
Also would like to replace the Facebook button with a 'Facebook Like' option, if that makes sense.
Please PM me for login.
Abdelhadi Touil answers:
As I see you are using Shareaholic plugin, so you just need to go to Settings -> Shareaholic to adapt the plugin settings as you like.
Good luck.
Kate Hernandez comments:
This would obviously be the first place I'd check. But they've left out the option for you to be able to choose your social icons.
Abdelhadi Touil comments:
When I was using this plugin it was easy to choose icons I want, and I think it's still possible like described here:
<blockquote>Selecting your networks
Once you reach the plugin options page you will see a full range of options to choose from, most notably the ability to pick and choose which social bookmarking sites to include in your social bookmarking menu. Simply put a tick under each of the icons representing the sites that you would like to show up in your menu.</blockquote>
Source: [[LINK href="https://shareaholic.com/tools/wordpress/usage-installation"]]Shareaholic for WordPress // Usage & Installation[[/LINK]]