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WP submit different posts with different users different category WordPress


Hi! Anyone know if is possibile to submit different NEW posts only with title and content for different users and different category?

Please see the screenshot about that for understand:


Answers (1)


Julio Potier answers:


Yes it's possible, all is possible with WordPress ;)

My idea :
- Create a plugin page
- Put a template on it, this template will include a title input field, a content textarea field, a categories selectbox field, a users selectbox field and a "add" button.
- You fill the fields you clic "Post !" 1 post is created.
- You clic 2 times on add, you fill all fields, you clic "Post !" 3 posts are created.

I think some datas have to be set by default (like post date and stuff like that)

Maybe you need (or not) the real tinymce writer ?

I think $20 is a little cheap. i thought $50 because i can be done (with security purposes) in less than 1h !

So, i think i can do this. You can send me a PM or come on skype (send me a DM to get my skype ID ;p)

See you soon