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WP site solution to sell one product WordPress


I'm looking for a good solution to sell just one product on a WP site.

This is a physically product with shipping, etc.


Answers (5)


Spencer Tomosvary answers:

I agree, WooCommerce is the best solution. You could use gravity forms for it's ease of use but then you don't have the tax and shipping calculations. With Woo, you can create a landing page for the single product and configure the options to bypass the cart going straight to checkout.

kld53 comments:

Thanks Spencer.


timDesain Nanang answers:

you can use woocommerce

homepage as a landing page/ sales letter and a product detail


Francisco Javier Carazo Gil answers:


We have just created a site with only one product, which is phisically delivered.

This is the same case as you and as timDesain says, WooCommerce is the best solution.

The functionality and customization is the same than in cases with much products, easier and faster.

If have any doubts tell me.


Just Me answers:


I think you can do this with every WP webshop plugin.
What is special about your product?
Do you need specific payment, shipping ... and so on?
I am a Shopp addict


Veritus answers:

woocommerce should suffice... otherwise test gumroad..