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WP-nav-menu breadcrumb nav tier WordPress


I develop a wordpress theme and would like to have this [[LINK href=""]]kinda menu[[/LINK]] (wp-nav-menu) with my own color to match my theme. I also need parent to be highlighted.

Answers (3)


Charles Klycinski answers:

This is just normal menu with sub menu - using css and jquery. I can make it for You. Please send me colors details to [[LINK href="[email protected]"]][email protected][[/LINK]]

Franck Carlichi comments:

Mail sent waiting for your answer

Charles Klycinski comments:

Working on it

Charles Klycinski comments:

Menu is done :) Please check Your website


Christianto answers:


This can be done with ordinary wp_nav_menu() with added jquery function like [[LINK href=""]]superfish here[[/LINK]]

For highlighted parent element that can be done with jquery too

Christianto comments:

if you want to do it by yourself do this..

#1, download superfish plugin above, include superfish.css and superfish-navbar.css to your header by wp_enqueue_style() or directly copy paste to style.css and also include superfish.js to your site with wp_enqueue_script() on your header. Don't forget to include also jQuery framework.

#2, add "sf-menu" class and "sf-navbar" with other option that you desire in wp_nav_menu() for example:
wp_nav_menu( array('container' => '','menu_class' => 'sf-menu sf-navbar', 'depth' => 1, 'theme_location' => 'primary'));

#3, initialize superfish this is basic for example:
pathClass: 'current'

#4, for the highlighted parent use jQUery script below

And style "current-menu" class with css that you desire for example change font-color or background color..
you can adjust css of the menu that on superfish.css and superfish-navbar.css base on your need..

please check the nav-bar style of superfish plugin for example, and by using css from superfish this will also work if javascript is turn off..

hope this help..


Fahad Murtaza answers:

I am a woothemes expert and have been working with them for 2 years now. Sending you a message.