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WP-eCommerce 3D-secure implementation for eWay WordPress

Hi all,

I'm in the final stages of a project, and the bank has now given me 30 days to implement
3D-secure for payment processing. Currently the Wp-ecommerce eWay plugin is being used for payment, so this will require modifications to get 3D-secure working.

Specifically, I'm looking for a capable developer that is familiar with Wordpress, PHP, payment processing (including 3d-secure), wp-ecommerce, and eWay.

Looking forward to your responses.


Answers (1)


Rashid Aliyev answers:

Good time of day! Please PM me more information and part of code where currently the problem is. TripleD is not so hard protocol. It mostly done by network protocol.

folette comments:

Thanks Rashid, I've sent you a PM.

Rashid Aliyev comments:

What exactly bank needed?