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WP Transfer WordPress


I am having issues transferring my WP site which I created in my local host using WAMP.
Now, I need to having hosted in my web server (1&
I need to know how to do this since I have tried both importing/exportive native functions and by using the duplicator plugin and I have not had any luck.
Please let me know or help me do this.
THank you

Answers (7)


Arnav Joy answers:

see this


John Cotton answers:

Unless you've got a very strange setup:

1/ Copy the theme and any plugins from your local machine to the server. ie copy the wp-content folder and all it's sub folders.
2/ Activate the theme and all the plugins
3/ Use Tools > Export to export from local
4/ Use Tools > Import to import on server. Don't tick "copy files" as it won't be able to find them on your local machine.

Should do the trick.


Asad Iqbal answers:

Please check the following article and let me know if you are having any issue:


Luis Abarca answers:

Upload your wordpress installation folder to your production server, then run this querys:

<strong>From your commando line (OSX, Linux)</strong>

sed -e ‘s/localhost/’ dev.sql > prod.sql

<strong>or phpMyAdmin</strong>

UPDATE wp_options SET option_value = replace(option_value, 'localhost', '') WHERE option_name = 'home' OR option_name = 'siteurl';

UPDATE wp_posts SET guid = replace(guid, 'localhost', '');

UPDATE wp_posts SET post_content = replace(post_content, 'localhost', '');

UPDATE wp_postmeta SET meta_value = replace(meta_value, 'localhost', '') WHERE meta_value LIKE '%localhost%' AND meta_key = '_menu_item_url'


Abdelhadi Touil answers:

1) Copy all your local website files via FTP to your web server.
2) Enter to phpMyadmin in your localhost and export your local website database as sql file.
3) Edit the exported database file using a text editor, I recommand Notepad++, and seach/replace your local website URL (example: http://localhost/wordpress) with you online website URL (example:, and save the chage to the database sql file.
4) Create a new database in you web server.
5) Go to your phpMyadmin in your web server, and import the database file saved in the step 3 to your new database created in you web serve in the step 4.
6) Modify the wp-config.php file using the new database information created in you web serbver.
Following these setps, all thing should work normal.
Good luck and sorry for my bad English.


phppoet answers:

Try this if above mentioned steps didn't work for you . You can do this easily by following these steps

1. Zip the folder of your local installation and upload the zipped file to root directory of your site.extract that zip file into root directory.

2. Go to phpmyadmin on local host, select your database and export it to your harddisk .

3. Now create a database with full attributes to the username and attach that database to the user account.

4. Now go to phpmyadmin of your website(not localhost) and select newly created database and import the file you saved in your harddisk .

5. Now open wp-config.php from your extracted folder in root directory and replace localhost , user , password ,database with your newly create database and user account.

it will work like a charm .


Francisco Javier Carazo Gil answers:

Moreover all this, have in mind, that inside WordPress there are lots of serialized data, so you should update.

You shouldn't do it:UPDATE wp_postmeta SET meta_value = replace(meta_value, 'localhost', '') WHERE meta_value LIKE '%localhost%' AND meta_key = '_menu_item_url' as Luis says because they can be broken.

You should use this tool: