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WP Site Monitoring Service WordPress

I am wondering how much money it would cost to develop a web monitoring service. We would need a few things in no particular order:

1) A site that allows people to sign up and register for the service. They would be able to then view their dashboard and add different sites that they want monitored. They would be able to switch between the sites and view a graph with uptime and any date that the site may have been down. They would be able to switch sites to view this info via a drop-down menu. We would use for the line graph.

2) We would need a script to run complex checks to make sure its not a false positive. We would ping the site every 5 minutes to make sure its up. We need to be careful to code this properly so that we don't use excessive CPU power on the server. We need to keep costs down.

3) We would need an email notification service that alerts a user when their site is down and when it is back up. The user will also get a monthly report with a graph and any dates or times the site was down.

We can borrow some code from the open source Jetpack module called Monitor.

This might be too complex. Let me know how much you can do

Answers (3)


Hariprasad Vijayan answers:


Just need to check the site is up/down using this monitoring system?

Jagst3r21 comments:

Hi it is a little more complex than that. Please read the requirements :)


Sabby Sam answers:

Hi there,
Yes of-course, making such site is little complicated. If I would like to do the same I will do the following things.
1. Buy Dedicated IP with Good hosting ( Just make sure our backend script should not get down )
2. Keep a person to monitor first 1 to 3 months. ( It may be we get some bugs and accordingly we can resolve it )
3. This can be done in 2 ways
a. Open source
b. Buy readymade script

Depending upon the above scenario I can say that we have to spend dedicated ip ( around 20 to 40$), if we buy script that is additional cost and one person for monitoring. This might take upto 1 to 2 months with testing etc.
I hope this is enough and it will give you some rough idea.


Luis Abarca answers:

Take a look to

Jagst3r21 comments:

That service is good, but not specifically for wordpress and is more expensive then what I had in mind. I have looked at all the monitoring services and I am confident that there is still room for one, especially one marketed toward wordpress users for ease of use and one with a good looking interface.