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WP Simpleviewer 'gallery not found' WordPress


I want include a <strong>Simpleviewer gallery</strong> to my page. I instaled the plugin, created the folder /photos and /kids via FTP an upload the images. On the WP backend I can choose the gallery and create the files but the galery is not showing on the page.

The .xml looks fine, folder kids is fully writeable.

I think it's a security problem with WP, since now, no Flash gallery will work on this page, here is the link:

I run an other page on the same server with SV, there it's working:

One difference is, that for every update or plugin I have to put in the FTP details, on the working page I don't have to do that.

Thanks for any help!

I use WP 2.8.4 / SV 1.5.4

Answers (2)


Oleg Butuzov answers:


not found

Oleg Butuzov comments:

somewhere in options there "e" wisstyped looks like utf8

Oleg Butuzov comments:

Oleg Butuzov comments:

oh. now.. somehow it can't find this path


it's in code but not transported to the flash. no rewust from server to this file.

Oleg Butuzov comments:

somehow you have write a domain with wrong char. see my message above.
browser fail to determine a host. and broke connection.

the broken connection is the reson why you havn't load your xml file.

Oleg Butuzov comments:

and no need to upload crossdomains btw, just fix the domain path.


Taeke Reijenga answers:

Something is wrong with the crossdomain.xml, the request is aborted..
the url for the crossdomain seems to be incorrect and looks like: http://chantal-re/?

try adjusting the path and upload the crossdomain.xml to your root again