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WP Pages Disappeared WordPress

I was tweaked my WP pages and updating and my pages have all disappeared!

Can someone take a look at this for me?

I have the WP e-commerce shopping cart and gold cart plugin installed and it's causing problems, apparently. my shopping cart still works however, all my pages (which are still safe in the backend) are not coming up.

I have a feeling there's something simple in the code missing. Yet - nothing was deleted, all files intact, etc.

The website is

Answers (5)


Liesl Fawcett answers:

It might have something to do with your permalinks. Try changing them back to the default setting and see what happens.

Emilia Farrace comments:

that brings back the pages - but how to bring back the permalinks settings i need? i don't want to have my pages listed oddly?

Liesl Fawcett comments:

<blockquote>that brings back the pages - but how to bring back the permalinks settings i need? i don't want to have my pages listed oddly?</blockquote>

Okay at least now we know it's the permalinks. Try changing them back to the custom setting you had again and see if that does anything. I've had a similar issue before and the only solution I found was to use different permalinks. I'd use /%category%/%post-name% or another word as a prefix to go with %post-name% since it wouldn't work alone.

Emilia Farrace comments:

It appears that absolutely anything i put in "custom structure" creates the pages to disappear.

every variation.


derekshirk answers:

Have you tried Visiting your Permalinks Settings and resaving the page in your admin settings?

What are the pages that you are supposed to be seeing?
I see some pages in the upper left hand corner that appear to be a bit smashed


Sébastien | French WordpressDesigner answers:

what he name of the disappeared pages ? maybe it's a name reseved for your plugin...


Christianto answers:

Changing permalink format is not recommended if you don't want your backlink/SEO juice gone..
But since your site according to didn't have any backlink then just fine..

It because WP e-commerce..
[[LINK href=""]]please check this page[[/LINK]]...
Above is about pagination but should describe of what the plugin did with the permalink..

Christianto comments:

When you updates post, did you edit the category?

Christianto comments:

Revert back the permalink format to state where all your pages all disappear.
Create a new page as a test, and publish it and check the page if exists..


Jarret Minkler answers:

You need the permalink migrator plugin maybe?